PROPHECY— The Destruction Of My Jezebels Of Sin

24 days ago

PROPHECY— The Destruction Of My Jezebels Of Sin

“Tell them I Am against them, My son. All college girls are an abomination before Me, My son. They are the End—Times Jezebel, caring more about money than Me, the Living God. I shall destroy them all as the Word says so. Does not My Word say that her desire shall be unto her husband? Then why is their desire unto the world, the working world where they can make money, My son? They are an abomination unto Me, loving money more than Me or a husband. That is why they will not marry—they love money too much, more than a husband. They will sacrifice it all to get more money, My son. That is why there are so many abortions in your country, My son. They cannot stand the fact that they will have to spend money on someone else other than themselves. They are that utterly selfish. Do not get a wife, My son, nor search for one. They are all Jezebels, making poor wives, My son. They will not comply, wanting the world too much. They will all be destroyed, My son. They are all Jezebels who must be punished and sent to a living Hell down below. All Jezebels who want the world will go there. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen forever!”

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