In Plain Sight

10 months ago

Dabit Dominus inimicos tuos
Qui consurgunt adversum te
Corruentes coram te
Per unam viam ibunt et septem
Fugient ante vos quia etsi
In carne ambulemus
Non secundum carnem militamus
Arma enim militiae nostrae
Non sunt carnalia
Sed potentissima in Deo

All the earth is a battlefield
Every sole worth fighting for
This is a war without bloodshed
A war not fought
On the earthly realm
Take up the sword of God
And cast out the demons
Who seek to possess and corrupt
The innocent

The stakes are never higher
Than when eternity awaits
Demons walk among us
(Walk among us)
Making use of the unaware
Like they would wear a skin suit
(Cast out the demons)
(Cast out the demons)

Jesus save us
Jesus save us

Join the Sacred order
And wield a Holy sword
Cut the demons from the flesh
Cut the demons from the flesh
To save the sole within
(Save the sole within)

Demons walk among us
(Walk among us)
Making use of the unaware
Like they would wear a skin suit
(Cast out the demons)

Cast out the demons
(To save the sole within)
Cut the demons from the flesh
(To save the sole within)

Jesus save us

Give them no refuge
Give them no rest
(Cast out the demons)
The stakes are never higher
Than when eternity awaits

#Christianmusic #Christiansongs #Jesus #Jesuslovesyou #JesusisKing #GodisGood #Nottodaysatan #Castoutdemons #Christianmetal #Jesussaves #Jesusmetal #Industrialmusic #Christianindustrial #LionofJudah #Jesusislord

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