Overcoming Jezebel | Tuesdays with Tina Episode 81

27 days ago

In this episode, we continue our journey through Psalm 91, shifting from a defensive stance (“hiding under protection” and “not fearing the arrow”) to an offensive one. Through this perspective, we will further explore the spirit of Jezebel and see how the Lord is exposing this spirit’s influence within the church and society.

As we move into this offensive approach, expect an increase in the “shaking”—or what we talked about last episode as “turbulence.” It’s crucial to press into Jesus and fully equip ourselves with the armor of God during these times.

Today I’ll also share a beautiful vision I had of the bride of Christ—the church—stepping into unity with Jesus and paving the way for all tribes and nations to follow, in line with John 14:17: “he dwells with you and will be in you.”

Join me today as we delve deeper into dismantling the Jezebel spirit. I won’t be posting regular weekly episodes this summer, but please stay tuned for updates and more teachings on Psalm 91 that I will share as I can!



View show notes, resources and more from today's episode at my website: https://thehealingoil.com/ep-81-overcoming-jezebel/

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