'billyjones': My Videos Got Mirrored Yesterday And This Is What Happened! Look! Links!

24 days ago

Note: Nice when people appreciate when I share their shit :)

I still dont know if I trust him... He say he has been 'working' for Trump...

No proof... Just Fucking 'Words'...

He has still not proven who he is...

In my world he is a Pussy Coward...

Read what he write on his 'About':

And he is still using that Fucking annoying Backgroud music...

And he ask for money/Donation all the time...

That always pisses me of, because a Real Fucking Freedom Fighter Does anything for free...

Greed! - Follow the Fucking Money!

Here is the video 'billy' is talking about and showing:

Pedophile Psyop Trump Is The Fake Jewish Messiah Silver Crowned! You Have Been Warned!
https://www.bitchute.com/video/jIwM4PgcO0EL/ (1761 views)
https://rumble.com/v4w6x6k-pedophile-psyop-trump-is-the-fake-jewish-messiah-silver-crowned-you-have-be.html (1.53 K Views)

I wrote this under Billys video, incl a lot of links :)

I been 'public' here in Denmark since 2017 Billy, We All have Fucking Bots and Feeds, and the Controlled Opposition Psyops are Fucking everywhere...

I could make a Fucking Long video about it and who prove it, you are not alone, another Reason I dont hide from nobody and use my own name... Since 2017...

I also been in the Fake Lying and corrupt MSN and 'News' and TV here in Denmark..

Google my name or check out the links I provide in 'About' on my Bitchute...

And If I share something, as Im gonna do with this one, Im sharing it on all my main channels, did you count the 'views' there hehe ? :)

Kim Osbøl - Copenhagen Denmark
https://www.bitchute.com/channel/osboel/ (13,692 Subs)
https://t.me/KimOsboel (650 Members)
https://rumble.com/user/KimOsboel (19,097 Followers)
https://substack.com/@kimosboel (122 Subs)
4095 subscribers

Rants mirrored vid - https://www.bitchute.com/video/mRsvr7Cj2u47/

Kim Osbol mirrored vid - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/3YqC0mK7nzxz/

CANST mirrored vid - https://www.bitchute.com/video/yvyP0P2zztZG/

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