Episode 182 Keeping up with Canada Part 8

9 months ago

Another awesome piece added to the Keeping up with Canada series and this time I have a POWER COUPLE joining me.

In part 8, I bring on Torva (Kristin) Logan & Coach Donovan James back to catch up and chat about insane legislation.

We start by catching up with Torva’s story of saving her life time and time again from the incapable hands of 🇨🇦 healthcare and what that was like to live through.

We then discuss some scary bills that have already passed and one that is just simmering atm.

Patients like Torva are being left behind because of the wild overstep the BC gov has taken towards health care practitioners in Bill B-36.

Of course this passed during the holidays at the tail end of the insanity so naturally most were too emotionally defeated or unaware to fight back.

It is now law. So… cool.

Then we talk about the attack on Natural Health Care products (Bill C-47) by forcing every day herbalists to be treated like big pharma companies…. So that’s another cool one?

The fact that this was even considered, let alone passed is wild to me.

These big corporations have the funding to run through all this and paying all these fees yet ma and pa shops making homemade remedies are now being treated like a Johnson & Johnson?! They do not make that much to sustain those fees and regulations.


And last but not least, they are trying to take away freedom of online content by presenting it as a bill to help child exploitation but we know how that goes through Bill C-63. They tend to use great ideas at the forefront but take away even more in the fine line printing.

Of course we wanna save kids but why can we leave it there??

But this is just what we think! You should look these up yourself and see what you feel like!

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