Breanna Morello | Facial Recognition Software In US Airports? TSA, DHS & CBP Working Together to Normalize Facial Recognition-Based Surveillance State? + Michigan's Largest Egg Farm Lays Off 400 Workers Amid Bird Flu Outbreak?

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3 months ago

Breanna Morello | Facial Recognition Software In US Airports? TSA, DHS & CBP Working Together to Normalize Facial Recognition-Based Surveillance State? + Michigan's Largest Egg Farm Lays Off 400 Workers Amid Bird Flu Outbreak?

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-FAA Reauthorization Act is expected to pass in the House this week. It looks to expand TSA’s facial recognition technology. But a bi-partisan group of Senators are concerned that TSA is missing using the data. They sent a letter to Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell about it. The Senate passed it on Friday though.




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-TSA can leverage DHS and other Federal sources for facial images of foreign visitors and U.S. citizen passport holders.

-TSA has refused to turn over the documents regarding their biometric facial recognition program so I have added it to my current pending lawsuit against them. I am currently suing them because they refused to hand over my FOIA request regarding the number of illegals who have flown around our country on flights and how they added everyone to a terror watchlist for flying to D.C. around the dates of January 6. A copy of the lawsuit has been sent to Eric.


-TSA is looking to create a system that shares data with other federal agencies. Currently they do share information with DHS and CBP.

-TSA claimed to NewsNation that the facial recognition photo is erased within 7 seconds.

-CBP Claims facial recognition data is secured in a “cloud-based environment, facial comparison software does not store biographic data for any travelers” but they are storing the data of non U.S. citizens. So this is a lie on the CBP website. Both screen grabs are at the bottom of this document

-CBP repeatedly says they have to comply with biometric data at entry or exit at all because of a Congressional mandate. That mandate is for foreigners–not Americans. It was done through the 9/11 Commission Report.

-CBP: Americans can (and should) opt-out. CBP relies of private companies and contractors who have access to this biometric data. Although they are suppose to audit them, they have failed repeatedly in the past to do so.

-DHS BIOMETRIC SOURCE: It doesn’t matter the cameras they’re using. It’s all about the software.


In 1996, Congress mandated the development of an entry-exit system to collect the records of noncitizen arrivals and departures. Since then, Congress has amended the system’s requirements and deadlines on several occasions, including by adding a biometric requirement in 2001. This is due to the 9/11 Commission Report. This mandate does not apply to U.S. citizens.


14 bi-partisan lawmakers oppose the expansion of TSA’s FRT and they wrote a letter last Thursday on it.
“This technology poses significant threats to our privacy and civil liberties, and Congress should prohibit TSA’s development and deployment of facial recognition tools until rigorous congressional oversight occurs,” ( )

TSA:TSA will identify pathways to appropriately leverage existing capabilities and services across TSA, DHS, other Federal agencies, and third parties to accommodate a variety of front-end concepts and solutions. Likewise, TSA will pursue a system architecture that promotes data sharing to maximize biometric adoption throughout the passenger base and across the aviation security touchpoints of the passenger experience.
( PAGE 17 )

TSA: TSA (PRE-CHECK) will integrate existing biometric holdings and newly-collected biometric data with the DHS enterprise biometric system of record (IDENT/HART) and gain access to additional biometric services in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and policy.
( PAGE 13 )

-”Many if not most of these travelers do not have biometric data on file with the U.S. government (e.g., a passport photo), posing a unique challenge for TSA and its strategic security partners…TSA will work with CBP and OBIM to examine options to leverage the CBP TVS biometric matching service”
(PAGE 15 )

CBP: 490 million travelers using biometric facial comparison technology and prevented more than 1,900 impostors from entry to the U.S.
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CBP: 238 airports using Biometric Facial Comparison Technology

CBP: Under a DHS final rule published in 2009,37 non-U.S. citizens entering the United States are required to provide biometric data with the exceptions of Canadian nationals admitted as short term visitors for business & Mexican nationals with border crossing cards & travelers with other visas explicitly exempted from biometric collection requirements.
(page 7,a%20biometric%20requirement%20in%202001)

CBP retains U.S. citizen photos for no more than 12 hours after identity verification, and only for continuity of operations purposes.
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PAGE 8: . Biometric data and biographic data will be stored in IDENT.
PAGE 9: There have been no changes related to retention since the original BE-Mobile Air Test PIA. CBP retains border crossing records for non-immigrant aliens for 75 years, consistent with the BCI and ADIS SORNs. DHS retains biometric air exit information on non-immigrant aliens for 75 years, in accordance with the IDENT retention schedule. CBP retains records related to adverse or law enforcement actions for 75 years under the TECS SORN )

TSA: Through the Secure Flight program, TSA has the benefit of knowing which travelers are likely to appear at any airport on a given day. This provides an opportunity for TSA to use passenger prescreening status to pre-stage biometric data, in this case facial images, for verifying passenger identity in 1:1 and/or 1:N modes of operation. In the case of international passengers, TSA can leverage DHS and other Federal sources for facial images of foreign visitors and U.S. citizen passport holders.


TSA: Privacy protections will include restrictions to prevent the use of biometrics for purposes other than transportation security unless individuals have opted into other uses….Externally, TSA will partner closely with CBP and other DHS components to align biometric efforts to the overarching DHS Biometrics Framework with the ultimate goal of leveraging OBIM’s HART system, the successor to IDENT as well as the biometric repository and matching service for the Homeland Security Enterprise. TSA must also continue to deepen its engagement with DHS S&T and utilize its deep industry knowledge and biometric research, development, testing and evaluation capabilities to explore innovative concepts and technologies prior to field testing or deployment.
(PAGE 18 )

CBP: Private companies and contractors that partner with CBP have access to travelers’ personal data and must follow CBP’s requirements regarding data collection, privacy, and security. To ensure this, CBP can conduct audits of these partners. However, during a 2022 House Committee on Homeland Security subcommittee hearing, some Members raised concerns about the lack of robust auditing of private partners and contractors.81 According to testimony by the director of GAO’s Homeland Security and Justice team: As of May 2020, CBP had audited one airline partner and did not have a plan to ensure all partners were audited.
( PAGE 14,a%20biometric%20requirement%20in%202001 )

CBP: Some policymakers are also are concerned about the accuracy of facial recognition technology and the security of biometric data, including issues surrounding data storage and the auditing of private partners and contractors who collect these data.

CBP: According to a 2022 GAO report: CBP has ensured that privacy notices contain complete information and is taking steps to ensure signage is more consistently available, but needs to complete its efforts to distribute updated signs to locations where FRT is used.

Some observers take issue with the fact that U.S. citizens are being included in the collection of biometric data at entry or exit at all. They argue that Congress did not specifically authorize the collection of biometric data from U.S. citizens. The statutory requirements of the entry-exit system specify collecting data on foreign nationals.
( PAGE 15,a%20biometric%20requirement%20in%202001 )



“The TSA program is a precursor to a full-blown national surveillance state,” said Senator Merkley. “Nothing could be more damaging to our national values of privacy and freedom. No government should be trusted with this power.”

“Every day, TSA scans thousands of Americans’ faces without their permission and without making it clear that travelers can opt out of the invasive screening,” said Senator Kennedy. “The Traveler Privacy Protection Act would protect every American from Big Brother’s intrusion by ending the facial recognition program.”

“Passengers should not have to choose between safety and privacy when they travel. Despite our repeated calls for TSA to halt its unacceptable use of facial recognition technologies, the agency has continued to expand its use across the country,” said Senator Markey. “I am glad to partner with Senators Merkley and Kennedy on the Traveler Privacy Protection Act to halt TSA’s use of this invasive technology. Travelers should be able to fly without checking their right to privacy in alongside their luggage.”

“I am concerned that we have no clue where this data is going, and thousands of Americans every day are not aware of their option to decline to have their photo taken by a government agency every time they go to the airport,” Senator Marshall said. “The potential for these images to be used to violate American’s civil liberties is greatly concerning. Our important bipartisan legislation would put a halt to the expansion of this facial recognition program and involve Congress in the future use of it. I’m proud to work with Senators Merkley and Kennedy to protect Americans and force transparency from the TSA.”

NAME: Sonya LaBosco
JOB TITLE: Executive Director of Air Marshal National Council
Here’s a few clips of Sonya talking about my story and why Americans should be worried


How quickly does the TSA facial recognition photo to delete?
Photos are not stored or saved after a positive ID match has been made, except in a limited testing environment for evaluation of the effectiveness of the technology. With the exception of limited testing, photos are overwritten by the next passenger in the queue. The last passenger’s photo is deleted when the unit is shutdown.
Do all Americans enrolling in TSA pre-check have to provide their biometrics (finger prints and facial recognition)? No. This technology is optional for airline passengers. Travelers who do not wish to participate in the facial recognition technology process may decline the optional photo, without recourse, in favor of an alternative identity verification process, which does not use facial recognition technology to verify their identity. This action will not take longer and travelers will not lose their place in line for security screening.
After capturing a travelers facial biometrics, does that information get sent to DHS at any point?
In a limited testing environment, data is provided to DHS Science and Technology Directorate for evaluation of the effectiveness of the technology.
Are there any private companies working with TSA to FRT biometrics?
Yes. Those companies are bound to TSA’s Privacy Impact Assessment.
If so, when were those companies last audited?
There is continuing dialogue and regarding the technologies that TSA purchases, according to specifications outlined in the contract.


“U.S. Customs and Border Protection has a Congressional mandate to biometrically record all foreign nationals who enter and exit the United States. Years of testing have demonstrated that implementing biometric facial comparison technology through public/private partnerships is the most secure, efficient, and cost-effective way to fulfill the Congressional mandate while protecting the privacy of all travelers. The use of facial biometrics provides travelers with a secure, more contactless process that modernizes air travel.

CBP uses Biometric Facial Comparison Technology at airports for entry and exit processing, as well as sea ports of entry and entry at land pedestrian lanes. CBP and its air and cruise partners have implemented various types of cameras to take photographs of travelers to verify their identity. CBP has simply automated the manual document checks that are already required for admission into the United States. This process provides travelers with a secure, more contactless travel experience while fulfilling a longstanding Congressional mandate to verify the entry and exit of non-U.S. citizens.”
Background (NOT FOR AIR)
CBP’s air travel partners and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) can leverage CBP’s facial biometric matching service at check in, bag drop, and the security checkpoint, in addition to the departure gates and in the CBP Federal Inspections Area.
The airlines, airports, cruise lines, and TSA purchase their preferred front-end cameras which can be tablets/mobile devices, standalone camera, or an e-Gate.
For Entry and Exit, U.S. citizen photos are deleted within 12 hours. For non-U.S. citizens, photos are deleted from CBP systems within 14 days, but the images are stored in DHS’s IDENT/Hart system as part of the encounter record for 75 years.
CBP’s Business Requirements do not allow its approved partners such as airlines, airport authorities, or cruise lines to retain the photos they take under this process for their own business purposes.
Through April 30, 2024, over 511 million travelers have been biometrically processed across all modalities while more than 346,000 overstays have been biometrically confirmed on exit. CBP has identified almost 2,000 impostors through biometric processing and prevented their entry into the United States.
Select travelers who do not wish to participate in the facial biometric process can “opt out” by simply notifying a CBP officer or gate agent, requesting a manual document check, and are processed consistent with existing requirements for entry and exit to the United States.
U.S citizens are optional; they can participate in the facial biometrics process or request a manual document check.

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*January - Phoenix, AZ Was 100% Sold Out
*February - Canton, OH Was 100% Sold Out
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*April - Salem, Oregon Was 100% Sold Out
*Myrtle Beach, SC - May 13th & 14th Was 100% Sold Out
*Virginia Beach, VA - July 8th & 9th Was 100% Sold Out
*Batavia, NY - August 12th & 13th Was 100% Sold Out
*Washington / Idaho - September 16th & 17th Was 100% Sold Out
*Manheim, Pennsylvania - October 21st & 22nd Was 100% Sold Out
*Branson, Missouri - November 4th & 5th Was 100% Sold Out
*Nashville, Tennessee - January 20th & 21st Was 100% Sold Out
*Doral, Florida - May 12th & 13th Was 100% Sold Out
*Las Vegas, NV - August 25th & 26th Was 100% Sold Out
*Miami, FL - Oct. 13th & 14th Was 100% Sold Out
*Tulare, CA - December 15 & 16th Was 100% Sold Out
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Who is the man leading "The Great Reset" agenda?
Yuval Noah Harari - Learn More:
What Is the Great Reset Agenda?
Learn More About the Mindset of Yuval Noah Harari by Reading 2nd Thessalonians Chapter 2:
See the Entire COVID-19 / Great Reset Agenda Timeline Including Patents, Citations, Etc:
What Does COVID-19 Stand For?
A = 1
I = 9
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Listen to the PRAYER CALL for President Donald J. Trump With Special Guests: President Donald J. Trump, General Flynn, Kash Patel, Roger Stone, Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer And Clay Clark HERE:
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"My message to Benjamin Netanyahu: stop your coup or we’ll stop the country." - Yuval Noah Harari - Read HERE:

What Does CORONA Stand For?
C = 3
O = 18
R = 15
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N = 14
A = 1
6 = 66

“7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” - 2nd Timothy 1:7 (Written by the Apostle Paul)

“17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” - 2nd Corinthians 3:17 (Written by the Apostle Paul)

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What Is Luciferase? - Luciferase is a generic term for the class of oxidative enzymes that produce bioluminescence, and is usually distinguished from a photoprotein. The name was first used by Raphaël Dubois who invented the words luciferin and luciferase, for the substrate and enzyme, respectively.[1] Both words are derived from the Latin word lucifer, meaning "lightbearer", which in turn is derived from the Latin words for "light" (lux) and "to bring or carry" (ferre). - luciferase, enzyme manufactured in the cells of certain organisms to control bioluminescence. The widespread bioluminescence of such living organisms as fireflies, various marine organisms (see marine bioluminescence), and a number of algae, fungi, and bacteria is based on the oxidation of any of several organic molecules known as luciferins in the presence of the corresponding luciferase. The name comes from the Latin word lucifer, meaning “light-bearing.”

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What Does the Bible Have to Say About Buying and Selling?
“16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” - Revelation 13: 16-18

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ReAwaken America Tour History:
*April - Tulsa, Oklahoma was 100% Sold Out
*June - Tampa, Florida Was 100% Sold Out
*July - Anaheim, California Was 100% Sold Out
*August - Grand Rapids, Michigan Was 100% Sold Out
*September - Colorado Springs, CO Was 100% Sold Out
*November - San Antonio, TX Was 100% Sold Out
*December - Dallas, TX Was 100% Sold Out
*January - Phoenix, AZ Was 100% Sold Out
*February - Canton, OH Was 100% Sold Out
*March - San Diego, CA Was 100% Sold Out
*April - Salem, Oregon Was 100% Sold Out
*Myrtle Beach, SC - May 13th & 14th Was 100% Sold Out
*Virginia Beach, VA - July 8th & 9th Was 100% Sold Out
*Batavia, NY - August 12th & 13th Was 100% Sold Out
*Washington / Idaho - September 16th & 17th Was 100% Sold Out
*Manheim, Pennsylvania - October 21st & 22nd Was 100% Sold Out
*Branson, Missouri - November 4th & 5th Was 100% Sold Out
*Nashville, Tennessee - January 20th & 21st Was 100% Sold Out
*Doral, Florida - May 12th & 13th Was 100% Sold Out
*Las Vegas, Nevada - August 25th & 26th Was 100% Sold Out
*Miami, FL - Oct. 13th & 14th Was 100% Sold Out
*Tulare, CA - December 15th & 16th Was 100% Sold Out

ReAwaken America Tour Featured / Past Speakers Include:
General Flynn, Mike Lindell, Eric Trump, Doctor Stella Emmanuel, Robert F. Kennedy, Texas Attorney General of Texas Ken Paxton, Charlie Kirk, Chad Prather, Pastor Mark Burns, Pastor Phil Hotsenpiller, Robert Kennedy Jr., Ian Smith, Roger Stone, Alex Jones, Owen Schroyer, Melissa Tate, Pastor Dave Scarlett, Senator Wendy Rogers, Doctor Richard Bartlett, Gene Ho, Patrick Byrne, Scott McCay, Anna Khait, Sam Sorbo, Doctor Mark Sherwood, Attorney Thomas Renz, Attorney Leigh Dundas, Doctor Jim Meehan, Sheriff Vic Regalado, Joey Gilbert, Doctor Sherri Tenpenny, Doctor Rob Marsh, Leila Centner, Lori Gregory, Kevin Jenkins, Doctor Carrie Madej, Doctor Judy Mikovits, Steve Maxwell, Doctor Eric Nepute, Alfie Oakes, Sidney Powell, Doctor Alan Keyes, Pastor Artur Pawlowski, Mike Provenzano, Doctor Shannon Kroner, Doctor Andy Wakefeld, Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer, Amanda Grace, Doctor Cordie Williams, etc.
Watch The ReAwaken America Documentary for FREE Today At:
Who is the man leading "The Great Reset" agenda?
Yuval Noah Harari - Learn More:
Learn More About the Mindset of Yuval Noah Harari by Reading 2nd Thessalonians Chapter 2:
Read Klaus Schwab's terrifying book / vision for the future of humanity:
The Great Reset | Explained In Their Own Words (Gates, Musk, Harari, Schwab & Grimes)
Entire Great Reset / 4th Industrial Agenda Explained In 10 Minutes or Less:
*******28 Questions We All Need to Be Asking********
Question #1 - Why Did the Lead Klaus Schwab Advisor Yuval Noah Harari Say? "Your Immune Systems Will Be Connected to the Network."
Question #2 - Why Did the Lead Klaus Schwab Advisor Yuval Noah Harari Say? "W/ Surveillance Under Skin It Can Disclose Medical Conditions & How You Feel." -
Question #3 - Why Was the System and Method for Testing for COVID-19 Patented on October 13th 2015?
Question #4 - Why Is Congress Working On HR-666?
Question #5 - Why Is Congress Working On HR-6666?
Question #6 - Why Did Microsoft File for a Patent for a Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity with a Publication Number WO-2020-060606?
Revelation Chapter 13: 16-18 (Revelation was written by John the Apostle While Being Exiled On the Island of Patmos) - Read:
Question #7 - Why Did the Founder of the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction Tests Say That Dr. Fauci Is a Liar and Then His Tests Could Be Falsely Calibrated to Create False-Positive Test Results?
Question #8 - Why Did Helen Clark of the World Economic Forum Say "The WHO Needs to Power to Be On the Site & to Declare and Emergency."
Question #9 - Why Did Bill Gates Choose to Feature the Spirit-Cooking Marina Abramovic During the 2020 Microsoft Easter Commercial?
Question #10 - Why Did Microsoft File for a Patent for a CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA with a Publication Number WO-2020-060606 -
Question #11 - Why Do Bill Gates, John Podesta, Jay-Z, Gwen Stefani, Lady Gaga and Other International Celebrities Seek the Guidance of the Spirit-Cooking Marina Abramovic?
Question #12- Why Did Jeffrey Epstein / Bill Gates Work to Create Their Own Race of People? -
Question #13 - What Is In the COVID-19 Vaccines?
Question #14 - Why Does CERN Have the Logo 666?
Question #15 - Why Did the CEO of Nokia (Pekka Lundmark) Say, “"By 2030 Smartphones Will Be Built Into Bodies” at the 2022 World Economic Forum Event?
Question #16 - Why Is the Centers for Disease Control Calling for the Implementation of Nazi-Style Concentration Camps That They Are Calling Green Zones?
Question #17 - Why Did the Governor of Tennessee Sign an Executive Order Authorizing the State to Remove People from Their Homes? – Read Paragraphs 8, 14 and 18
Question #18 - Why Is Hiring Isolation & Quarantine Team Consultants, Isolation, and Vaccine Strike Team Staff? via @GovernmentJobs via @GovernmentJobs
Question #19 - Why Does the Centers for Disease Control Have a Section on Their Website Dedicated to Describing Quarantine Stations and Their Jurisdictions?
Question #20 - Why Did Bill Gates And George Soros-Backed Organization Buy Out This COVID-19 Testing Company?
Question #21 - Why Is Graphene Oxide, PEG (Polyethylene Glycol), mRNA modifying nano-technology, SM-102, luciferase, fetal-tissue cell lines and inside the COVID-19 vaccines? Watch -
VAXXED Patients' Blood Examined, Horrific Findings Revealed by German Physicians! -
Question #22 - Why Is Elon Musk Creating Brain Chips At Neural Link?
Question #23 - Why The Satanic Temple of Texas File a Suit to Defend Its Religious Right to Child Sacrifice...Tell Us More About This?
Question #24 - Why does the Pope’s Audience Hall look like a Snake Head?
Question #25 - Why Did Jeffrey Epstein Have a Satanic Temple on His Island?
Question #26 - Why Did the Billionaire Bill Gates Who Is Developing the Vaccines Choose to Invest His Time with the World’s Most Prolific Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein?
Question #27 - Why Would the Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab Write a Book Titled COVID-19 - The Great Reset, Which Advocates for the Complete Destruction of Our God-Given Freedoms, the American Way of Life and the Implementation of a One World Government?
Question #28 - Why is Luciferase Technology Being Developed?

READ HR 2640 H.R.2640 - Border Security and Enforcement Act of 2023 HERE:

Who Is Elon Musk? - READ -
Who Is Yuval Noah Harari? - READ -

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Watch the original March 29th 2022 presentation from the World Government Summit here:

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Who Is Elon Musk? - READ -
Who Is Yuval Noah Harari? - READ -

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WATCH for FREE: Watch the ReAwaken America Tour Documentary for FREE Today At:
Who is the man leading "The Great Reset" agenda?
Yuval Noah Harari - Learn More:
What Is the Great Reset Agenda?
Learn More About the Mindset of Yuval Noah Harari by Reading 2nd Thessalonians Chapter 2:
See the Entire COVID-19 / Great Reset Agenda Timeline Including Patents, Citations, Etc:
What Does COVID-19 Stand For?
A = 1
I = 9

Learn More About General Flynn Today At:
Learn More About How to Protect Your Wealth Against Inflation Today At:

What Is Programmable Money?

Protect Your Wealth Against Inflation & CBDCs Today At:
CBDCs 101 -
BRICS 101 -

Listen to the PRAYER CALL for President Donald J. Trump With Special Guests: President Donald J. Trump, General Flynn, Kash Patel, Roger Stone, Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer And Clay Clark HERE:

Learn More Today At:
Learn More About Nehemiah Strong Today HERE:

Watch Original A&Ω Productions Broadcast / Podcast HERE:

Watch the Original Alpha & Omega & Productions Broadcast HERE:

Learn How to Protect Your Wealth Against Inflation & CBDCs At:
Ezekiel 38: 5-6 | Did the Bible Prophecy Israel Being Attacked Specifically By Iran (Biblical Persia), Ethiopia (Biblical Ethiopia), Libya (Biblical Libya) & Turkey (Biblical Gomer)? + Isaiah 17:1 (Destruction of Damascus) | Hamas In the Bible (Genesis 6:5)? Matthew 24:37, Mark 13, Luke 21, Matthew 24, Luke 17: 28-30, Revelation 16:12-14, Amos 1:7, Daniel 2: 41-44, Daniel 7:25, Zephaniah 2:4, Daniel 9:27, Revelation 6 & Psalm 83: 3-4. Genesis 12: 1-3, Revelation 12:17


Request Tickets to the Tulare, CA (By Fresno) - Dec. 15th & 16th - ReAwaken Tour
Join General Flynn, Kash Patel, Eric Trump, Lara Trump, Lindell, Dr. Mikovits, Julie Green, Dr. Peter McCullough, Jim Breuer, Dr. Immanuel, & Team America
Request Tickets At: or by texting 918-851-0102
**Scholarship Pricing Is Available to Make the ReAwaken America Tour Affordable for Everyone That Wants to Attend
Watch the ReAwaken America Tour Documentary for FREE Today HERE:
Learn How to Protect Your Wealth Against Inflation & Central Bank Digital Currencies Today At:
Want to Read Patents Related to The Great Reset Agenda? - READ -
What Is BRICS? - READ -
What Are CBDCs -
Who Is Elon Musk? - READ -
Who Is Yuval Noah Harari? - READ -
ReAwaken America Tour History:
*April - Tulsa, Oklahoma was 100% Sold Out
*June - Tampa, Florida Was 100% Sold Out
*July - Anaheim, California Was 100% Sold Out
*August - Grand Rapids, Michigan Was 100% Sold Out
*September - Colorado Springs, CO Was 100% Sold Out
*November - San Antonio, TX Was 100% Sold Out
*December - Dallas, TX Was 100% Sold Out
*January - Phoenix, AZ Was 100% Sold Out
*February - Canton, OH Was 100% Sold Out
*March - San Diego, CA Was 100% Sold Out
*April - Salem, Oregon Was 100% Sold Out
*Myrtle Beach, SC - May 13th & 14th Was 100% Sold Out
*Virginia Beach, VA - July 8th & 9th Was 100% Sold Out
*Batavia, NY - August 12th & 13th Was 100% Sold Out
*Washington / Idaho - September 16th & 17th Was 100% Sold Out
*Manheim, Pennsylvania - October 21st & 22nd Was 100% Sold Out
*Branson, Missouri - November 4th & 5th Was 100% Sold Out
*Nashville, Tennessee - January 20th & 21st Was 100% Sold Out
*Doral, Florida - May 12th & 13th Was 100% Sold Out
*Las Vegas, NV - August 25th & 26th Was 100% Sold Out
*Miami, FL - Oct. 13th & 14th Was 100% Sold Out
*Tulare, CA - December 15th & 16th Was 100% Sold Out
Learn How to Protect Your Wealth Against Inflation & Government Confiscation Today At:
Learn More About Doctor Sherwood Today At: www.Sherwood.TV
Learn How to Protect Your Wealth Against Inflation and Government Confiscation
Learn More & Request Tickets to General Flynn and Clay Clark's ReAwaken America Tour Today by Clicking HERE: **
**Scholarship Pricing Is Available to Make This Event Affordable for All
**You May Also Request Tickets by Texting: 918-851-0102
WATCH for FREE: Watch the ReAwaken America Tour Documentary for FREE Today At:
Who is the man leading "The Great Reset" agenda?
Yuval Noah Harari - Learn More:
What Is the Great Reset Agenda?
Learn More About the Mindset of Yuval Noah Harari by Reading 2nd Thessalonians Chapter 2:
See the Entire COVID-19 / Great Reset Agenda Timeline Including Patents, Citations, Etc:
What Does COVID-19 Stand For?
A = 1
I = 9

Learn More About General Flynn Today At:
Learn More About How to Protect Your Wealth Against Inflation Today At:

What Is Programmable Money?

Protect Your Wealth Against Inflation & CBDCs Today At:
CBDCs 101 -
BRICS 101 -

Listen to the PRAYER CALL for President Donald J. Trump With Special Guests: President Donald J. Trump, General Flynn, Kash Patel, Roger Stone, Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer And Clay Clark HERE:
Learn More Today At:

WATCH for FREE: Watch the ReAwaken America Tour Documentary for FREE Today At:

Learn How to Protect Your Wealth Against Inflation Today At:
Learn More About General Flynn's Fight to Save America HERE:

"My message to Benjamin Netanyahu: stop your coup or we’ll stop the country." - Yuval Noah Harari - Read HERE:

What Does CORONA Stand For?
C = 3
O = 18
R = 15
O = 18
N = 14
A = 1
6 = 66

“7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” - 2nd Timothy 1:7 (Written by the Apostle Paul)

“17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” - 2nd Corinthians 3:17 (Written by the Apostle Paul)

The Great Reset Plan Explained Lyrically by Grimes (the mother of two of Elon Musk’s Children) - - Release Date
November 29, 2018

Lyrics -
Song / Track Image -

Quantum Dots + Quant Currency = Total Control

Quantum Dots = Using an invisible quantum dot dye that is delivered, along with a vaccine, by a microneedle patch. - READ -

Why Did Epstein and Gates Fund MIT? - READ -

Why Was Marina Abramović Featured During the Microsoft 2020 Easter Commercial? - WATCH -

Why Is the Spirit-Cooking Sado-Masochistic Marina Abramović Advising the Celebrities That Are Pushing the Great Reset Narrative? - READ -

Why Did the Spirit-Cooking Sado-Masochistic Marina Abramović Create the Crystal Wall of Crying for Ukraine?
Watch at 5 Minutes and 10 Seconds -

Quant Is “Creating the Right Ecosystem for Central Bank Digital Currencies” =

What Does Quant Mean? The word “Quant” is short for quantitative analysis (quants use computers to tell them what to buy or sell)

What Is Luciferase? - Luciferase is a generic term for the class of oxidative enzymes that produce bioluminescence, and is usually distinguished from a photoprotein. The name was first used by Raphaël Dubois who invented the words luciferin and luciferase, for the substrate and enzyme, respectively.[1] Both words are derived from the Latin word lucifer, meaning "lightbearer", which in turn is derived from the Latin words for "light" (lux) and "to bring or carry" (ferre). - luciferase, enzyme manufactured in the cells of certain organisms to control bioluminescence. The widespread bioluminescence of such living organisms as fireflies, various marine organisms (see marine bioluminescence), and a number of algae, fungi, and bacteria is based on the oxidation of any of several organic molecules known as luciferins in the presence of the corresponding luciferase. The name comes from the Latin word lucifer, meaning “light-bearing.”

Why Are Luciferase-Based Biosensors Being Used to During the COVID-19 Pandemic? READ –

How Is Luciferase Being Used? Why Does the Patent for Fusion proteins containing luciferase and a polypeptide of interest Exist? - READ -

Why Does Patent Exist That Recommends Vaccination Based Upon Receiving Information About a Subject, Analyzing the Information, Generating a Score, Optionally Allocating In Score Group and Vaccinating According to the Score Exist? What Does the Patent for Methods and Systems of Prioritizing Treatments, Vaccination, Testing An / Or Activities While Protecting the Privacy of Individual Exist? - READ -
Embed the Following Video: Yuval Noah Harari | "Ideally the Response to COVID Should Be the Establishment of a Global Healthcare System. COVID Legitimizes the Deployment of Mass Surveillance Even In Democratic Countries and It Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin." - WATCH -

Why Is the new COVID-19 antibody test called SATiN which uses Luciferase? No, I’m not kidding.
Why Did MIT Develop the Quantum Dot? IT engineers have developed a way to store information about a patient’s vaccine history under the skin, using an invisible quantum dot dye that is delivered, along with a vaccine, by a microneedle patch. READ -

Why Did MIT Develop the CBDCs?

Why Is the CBDC Currency Technology Being Introduced Call Quant? - READ -

CBDCs | “What We’ve Seen Is Everybody Has a Friction Point of CBDC Interoperability and That’s Something We Solved In 2018. So We Are Quite Ahead of the Market to Be Able to Implement." - Gilbert Verdian (Founder and CEO of Quant) - WATCH -

What Will Patent #US-201-202-509-48A-1 Be Used For? System and Method for Biometric Identification using Ultraviolet (UV) Image Data - READ -

Dr. Robert Malone Discusses Why He Invented the mRNA Vaccine Technology While Also Discussing: Luciferase, mRNA Vaccines, Using Targeted Mutagenesis to Produce Gain-of-Function Mutations That Can Be Used for Vaccine Purposes) **Leave Your Comments - WATCH -
Development of a destabilized firefly luciferase enzyme for measurement of gene expression - READ -

Embed the Following Video: Copy the video found on the bottom of this page -
Embed the Following Video: COVID-19 Shots | Why Are MAC Addresses (Media Access Codes) Inside the COVID-19 Shots?

Lead Google Technologist Ray Kurzweil | "We Will Connect Wirelessly Our Neocortex to the Cloud (with Nanobots That Enter Your Neocortex)" - WATCH -

Embed the Following Video - Yuval Noah Harari | "Figures Like Hitler, Like Stalin Also Tried to Re-Engineer Humans. What Would They Do With the Technology That I Am Developing Right Now? - WATCH -

Embed the Following Video - The Great Reset | Why Did Rice Develop Self-Assembling Graphene Oxide Using Nano-Technology? - WATCH -

Why Does the Patent for a Nano Coronavirus Recombinant Vaccine Taking Graphene Oxide as Carrier Exist? - READ -

Why Does This Patent Exist? Devices and Methods for Transferring Data Through a Human Body - READ:

Why Does the WO2020060606 CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA Exist? Why Does This Patent Not Work Without Putting Nano-Technology Inside the Human Body? - READ -

Why Is the NIH Working On Designing a Synthetic Immune Surveillance Network? - WATCH -

Why Is NIH Developing Synthetic Immunosurveillance Systems: Nanodevices to Monitor Physiological Events - READ -

Embed the Following Video - Yuval Noah Harari | "Your Immune Systems Will Be Connected to Net" - WATCH -

Embed the Following Video - What Is the Ultimate World Economic Forum Agenda? - The Great Reset | G20 Panel Calls for Global Digital Health Passports | "Let's Have a Digital Health Certificate Acknowledged by WHO. If You Have Been Vaccinated or Tested Properly, Then You Can Move Around" - WATCH -

What Is the Purpose of the WO2020160397 METHODS OF PREPARING LIPID NANOPARTICLES Patent? - READ -

Embed the Following Video - COVID-19 Shots | What Is the Purpose of the COVID-19 Shots? The INTERNET OF BODIES Explained - WATCH -

Embed the Following Video -
Karen Kingston Explains The Internet of Bodies Agenda While Showing the Patents That Prove the Plan - WATCH -

Embed the Following Video - Uncensored: LUCIFERASE to go Into the FOREHEAD or RIGHT HAND! Injected People Emit EMF - WATCH -

What Does the Bible Have to Say About Buying and Selling?
“16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” - Revelation 13: 16-18

Why Is 6G Technology Being Developed That Could Use Humans As a Power Source? - READ -

Why Did the Now Convicted Harvard Professor Charles Lieber (Who Was Paid $50,000 Per Month Illegally by the Chinese Communist Party) Created Nano-technology That Allows Human Cells to Send and Receive Signals?

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