UK Medical Freedom Alliance: Broadcast #22 - Joy Warren: Fluoride Free Alliance UK

8 months ago

The UK Medical Freedom Alliance are very pleased to welcome Joy Warren, BSc. (Hons) Environmental Science: Certificate in Health and Nutrition.
Joy is the the National Coordinator for Fluoride Free Alliance UK, a National Activist Group, formed to oppose the enforcement of Water Fluoridation in the UK.

The organisation is specifically helping residents in the North-East of England respond knowledgeably and cogently to the 2024 Public Consultation which began 25th March and ends 17th June 2024. Visit their sister site in the North-East of England,, for further information.

More widely the Fluoride Free Alliance UK is challenging attempts being made by the UK Government to achieve Water Fluoridation throughout England and Wales. Visit their website at

We discuss the worrying "one size fits all" medical treatment the fluoridation represents and the detrimental effects the chemistry has upon the human body with little or no effect on reducing dental cavities.

You are encouraged to participate in the North East Public Consultation as an individual. Visit a guidance page here:

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