The true meaning of Ekklesia (Or Ecclesia)

8 months ago

Pastor David Doty explores the meaning of the Greek word 'Ekklesia' and its significance in the Bible. It is revealed that 'ekklesia' does not mean 'church' but rather 'called out ones' or 'assembly'. The term originated from the Greek political assembly of citizens and was later adopted by the Roman Empire. The concept of 'Ecclesia' encompasses both the secular institution and the governmental system it represents. The conversation emphasizes the importance of spiritual maturity and the role of believers in advancing the kingdom of heaven.

The word 'Ecclesia' in Matthew 16:18 does not mean 'church' but rather 'called out ones' or 'assembly'.
The term originated from the Greek political assembly of citizens and was later adopted by the Roman Empire.
The concept of 'Ecclesia' encompasses both the people of God and the Government of Heaven.
Believers are called to be part of the 'Ecclesia' and are responsible for advancing the kingdom of heaven through spiritual maturity.
Ecclesia is also spelled Ekklesia.

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