Why is the CCP establishing relations with the Solomon Islands and other island countries

9 months ago

5/14/2024 Why is the CCP so keen on establishing relations with the Solomon Islands and other island countries in the southern hemisphere, and how did the CCP do it? Mr. Miles Guo revealed the truth behind it two years ago!
#NFSC #TakedowntheCCP #CCP #SolomonIslands #MilesGuo
5/14/2024 为什么中共如此热衷于与所罗门群岛和其他南半球的岛屿国家建立关系?中共是如何做到的?郭文贵先生两年前揭露了背后的真相!
#新中国联邦 #消灭中共 #中共 #所罗门群岛 #郭文贵

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