No Longer Blocking Our Awareness to the Presence of Peace

8 months ago

June 16 - No Longer Blocking Our Awareness to the Presence of Peace
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When you seem to lack peace in any situation, it is really not peace that you lack. You merely lack the tools to see that the choice for peace is available to you. It is not peace that is not present and available. It’s the thoughts and attitudes that you have been programmed to take in regard to the situation that are blocking your awareness to the presence of peace. Once these blocks or false concepts are dismantled and let go, all that remains is the presence of peace. As you continue to see and align with your eternal, loving essence, instead of your ego’s past programs and mindset, greater peace will result. Love is who you were created to be, and peace is an extention and reflection of love. The more often you align with the truth in you, the easier it will be for you to focus on, experience, and reflect the state of peace.

Today, let us recall that because God is Love and All, all that the Divine is, is available to us in every moment. Love is the foundation of the present moment. Peace is one of Love’s numerous expressions. Because of this the choice for peace is also available to us in each moment. If we choose to discard the ego’s judgment-centric fear-based programs and mindset we will find peace gladly awaiting our return. Today, forgive and let go of who you are not and by doing so behold the state of peace welcome you with open arms. No longer buy into the ego’s false concepts as real. No longer block yourself from the state of peace. Today, simply recognize that for a while the ego’s mindset had taken control of your mind thus blinding you to your true inheritance. Knowing this, through forgiveness, consciously set the ego’s delusions aside. Do this and peace will become your constant companion.
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