SERIOUS --Our Meat.& Food Sprayed & Injected Nano-TechnologyInto Our Blood. Numbers are visible!

24 days ago

The Evil-doers are very advanced in putting technology into our bodies.. Morgellians and sprayed into the biosphere and now the injections putting nano-tech into blood. The untilmate control slavery over humanity.
And Dr David Nixon is also finding this in urine tests. The technology has been used for a long time without anyone knowing.
NOT-Vaccinated blood has this nano-technology- self-assembling- nano-circuits that come alive with wifi

In one of the slides you can actually see numbers. Numbers !!!
Our food is being contaminated with nano-technology-- Self Assembling Nano-Tech. Being found in UNvaccinated Blood.
It is being injected into our food sources. Horrific.
Make sure you are cleaning your blood!!!

Dr. Ana continues her quest for truth. New evidence/slides/videos that we show, shows they are getting it into the grass fed cows (sprayed via geoengineering onto the farms?) and into the meat we are eating. It is in their blood and it is in OUR blood now too. Darkfield Microscopy Of Homegrown, Grass Fed Unvaccinated 3 Different Beef Blood Samples Shows Nano/ Microrobots And Polymers. Toxic Geoengineering Seems To Be The Cause...Also- Polymers, biosensors & smart dust and also injection via medical vaccination programs. Those agencies and people who deny geoengineering - US government is studying these modalities, so has full knowledge of them. To keep up with Dr. Ana's discoveries subscribe for free (or paid) at: or
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