Ep37: Subsonic Ammo and Noise Discipline

9 months ago

In Episode 37 of The Kershner Files, Dave provides the standard updates for PMs, Survival Realty, and state specific gun shows. From there, dives headlong into a discussion about subsonic rounds and noise signatures. He even provides a hierarchy of sorts as to what he thinks the top 5 quietest forms of hunting available in a societal collapse. Articles/topics discussed:

- Spot Prices for Gold (Au) and Silver (Ag) - from the davidjkershner.com website
- Survival Realty - featured properties and new listings
- State-by-State Gun Shows - from the davidjkershner.com website
- Everything You Need to Know About Subsonic Ammo by Jeff Johnston from Field and Stream
- Subsonic Rounds for Sale at AmmoSquared
- Ohio Suppressor Fest presented by Blacking Shooting Center

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