Opening and Closing to Nebraska 2014 DVD

8 months ago

DVD Distributor: Paramount Home Media Distribution
Release Date: February 25, 2014
Stock #: 11111027614
Duplicated by Technicolor

Contents for the opening:

1. Paramount DVD logo (2003-2019)
2. Noah trailer
3. The Wolf of Wall Street trailer
4. Labor Day trailer
5. Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit trailer
6. All Titles May Not Be Available Screen
7. "Nebraska" DVD Menu
8. FBI Anti-Piracy Warning Screen
9. MPAA Rated R Screen
10. A Paramount Release

Contents for the closing:

1. Last Few Seconds of End Credits
2. A Paramount Release (again, but this time, without the Viacom (2010-2019) byline)
3. Piracy Is Not A Victimless Crime Screen
4. Warning Screen

(C) 2013 Paramount Pictures Corporation.
(C) 2014 Paramount Home Media Distribution.

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