The Year Of The Dragon

24 days ago

Bearded Dragons X KOBE & HEALTH 2024
Chinese zodiac sign
The dragon, also known as loong, is the fifth of the 12-year cycle of animals that appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar. The Year of the Dragon is associated with the Earthly Branch symbol.

How long has China existed as a discrete politico-cultural unit? With more than 4,000 years of recorded history, China is one of the few existing countries that also flourished economically and culturally in the earliest stages of world civilization.

Canada is only 157 years old The Dominion of Canada came into existence on July 1st, 1867, when the British North America Act united three colonies, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Province of Canada, into a single country called Canada. The day was originally called Dominion Day, but it was later renamed Canada Day in 1982. what you see is not what you get

History will repeat itself only if you let it
The famous George Santayana quote: “Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.” That's the thing, though. None of us have forgotten. Darned if we're not repeating it anyway... Books are “imaginative rehearsals for living,” stated novelist George Santayana.

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