The Biggest Deal in YouTube's History: A Metaphorical Convergence Event

24 days ago

I'm very curious about it It's like a it's such a new thing Yeah You know and maybe it doesn't feel as new to you but if you zoom out it's a really big deal Like it really is And again as factually it is the biggest deal in our space but Metaphorically it's a big deal I think to us because we've been on YouTube for so long and fascinated by this space for so long and this convergence event feels like it hasn't happened yet It feels like a bigger deal to other people than me because people a lot of creators have always been like saw YouTube as a launch pad to stuff like this Whereas for me I mean if I never did a streaming show I'd be like all right you know Business as usual For the last fourteen years I just want to be the biggest YouTuber in the world You know what I mean So maybe that's why it doesn't People keep saying that Everyone's like They're just so emotional over the show They're like this is such a big deal And I'm like I literally make many movies every two weeks I've been doing this for years now It's like I don't know what I was expecting But I thought we were going to come here and every employee Everyone was going to be like Amazon Amazon Amazon It's Amazon week Like this is the Amazon week And then you realize everyone's like focused on today tomorrow the day after And the next two weeks Tomorrow the day after And you have a lot of shoots over the next two weeks for main channel But that's where so If an Amazon's employee watching though don't you worry I'm all in I'm gonna make this the greatest show you've ever had I'm putting every ounce of brain power we have and it will be phenomenal So don't worry I got you

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