X22 Report-3357-End The Fed Bill-Anti-CBDC Bill-Who's Really On Trial?-Justice Coming-Ad Free!

4 months ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep 3357a - First It Was End The Fed Bill, Now Anti-CBDC Bill, Paving The Way To A New Future

Biden is continuing with his narrative that the economy is doing fine and inflation is moving in the right direction, the people see something else. Gold is now moving up and this means that a rate cut is coming. First we had end the fed, now the anti-CBDC bill is up for a vote. Pieces are in place.
Ep 3357b - Who's Really On Trial? It’s Always Been About The 2024 Election,Justice Is Coming

The [DS] now realizes that no matter which they go with the indictments it is a no win situation, the people already see that the court cases are a sham and Biden is interfering with the election. Will the [DS] take the next step and put Trump in jail? We will see. This has always been about the 2024 election, who is really on trial? The [DS] of course. Justice is on its way
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