Youtube Suppression, Propaganda, Pseudo-Science & their army of BigPharma/Govt Shills

8 months ago

This is my 1st hand experience with Youtube Suppression, which this video (& there's many more) was originally made back in Jan 28, 2021, when I finally realized what they were doing. I had to document these Orwellian/Fascist/Marxist tactics that were meant to control the narratives/conversations of the American People, in an attempt to shape our minds into Believing in their lies, false history's, pseudo-science & Appeals to Authority. Youtube hired dis-information propagandist (i.e. BigPharma Shills, NGO's, US Govt Agents, etc.?) to orchestrate this ONGOING campaign of harassment/bullying upon those who will not accept their pseudo-scientific propaganda narratives that are outlined by our Corrupt Govt Alphabet Soup Pseudo-Scientific Shill Regulators/WHO=BigPharma (All one in the same=Organized Crime).
A. 2 separate computers were required to demonstrate Youtube's tactics of Suppressing American's Free Speech, which they utilized the concept of "Shadow-Banning" to target the speech of the individual they didn't like.
For instance;
1. They suppressed information on Natural Cancer Cure's & even an allopathic Cancer Cure (called Phenbendazole a "dewormer" just as Ivermectin is a dewormer...hmm :) ).
2. They suppressed information on the known Causes of Autism & the known Cure's for Autism (& a myriad of other diseases/syndromes).
3. They suppressed Vaccine Science that demonstrated extreme harm caused by the Polio Vaccine in the past & present.
4. They suppressed testimony from a Govt. CDC Whistleblower & Govt. VICP Whistleblower & even Jonas Salk, whom all revealed the Government had prior knowledge of the inherent dangers of Vaccines, but actively covered it up. (The bottom-line$ is all that matters to them)
B. You'll see Proof that Youtube was actively protecting these Free-Speech Suppressing Shills when their cover was finally blown & they didn't want this name association to remain in future comments, so an algorithm was generated to handle this, which was triggered when you mentioned their name together e.g. "YES_139" aka "I Arrived."
1. This individuals account was initially titled as "YES_139", then somehow it was changed to "I Arrived" and then ALL of his/her posts magically reflected this new account name change. POOF.... all PRIOR comments once under "YES_139" were now renamed as "I Arrived"! Thus, he/she had administrator control within youtube/google or knew someone that did?
2. You'll also see how Youtube protects the statements/narrative of these Free-Speech Suppressing Shills, by creating an illusion of winning the debate against the Critical Thinking folks of our society...This is accomplished by not allowing that person to post a comment in response to the Shills, thus giving the illusion of winning the debate.

Summary: You'll witness the disingenuous, immoral, unethical nature of this company (youtube/google). That obviously places a greater level of importance upon their allegiance to PROVEN Criminal/Pseudo-Scientific Corporations & our PROVEN Corrupt Govt Pseudo-Scientific Shill Regulators over Humanity itself. This is what their actions demonstrate, thus I do NOT care what their corporate mission statements might state (Who cares what lairs state anyways, right?) Their willful, calculated actions have stripped the American People of their Un-a-lien-able Rights (Free Speech)... that could have WARNED & SAVED the LIVES of countless Human Beings. Their actions are Remorseless & clearly Psychopathic in nature...period. I digress, enjoy the show, hopefully you learn something new as I try to do every single day & please share your experience of BigTech-Agra-Bichem-Pharma/Govt Suppression, so we can all learn from one another.
Peace All

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