Alethophobia A fear of or dislike for the truth; an unwillingness to come to terms with truth or facts.
The cure: Bravery.
Don't forget to resubscribe. Commenters and my sister have told me they were unsubscribed from my channel against their will. Indeed I have been unsubscribed from my own channel multiple times against my will. -Truth Bomb Mary WWMD
The Copyright Laws of the United States recognizes a “fair use” of copyrighted content. Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act states:
“Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.”
Robert Redfield & Cumo are liying bags of shit & guilty of the mass injured & deaths from the bioweapon shots!!!! DJDT's Warp speed was not for the bioweapon shot ! It was for Ivermectin , HCQ, , Azrithomicyn, Vitam A & E
I agree. Trump tried to stop the EUA by making people aware of early treatment alternatives.
Long story short, my pastor has been warning the flock and anybody who will listen to NOT take the vaxxx. Family, friends, STRANGERS...ETC. MANY who didnt listen either died or are having health problems NOW. One was a church member who he had power of attorney over his medical treatment if he went unconscious. HE DID, and the hospital hooked him to the lung machine and pumped him with the drugs, pastor demanded they take him off, he regained consciousness, THEY TALKED HIM INTO GETTING HOOKED BACK UP and be drugged, then he died. That particular fella was a strange case, I didnt know him personally, but others who did said he was just a contrary person. Ask him to go left, hed go right just to be a pain. They speculate he asked pastor to have power of attorney, because he knew he would fight the doctors, and is why he agreed to go back on the lung machine....just to tick off pastor. Weird huh? Meanwhile, a waitress we both know was found unconscious a couple weeks ago in her appartment, the family is PRO vaxxx, and talked her into vaxxxing AFTER pastor spoke with her about NOT vaxxxing. She had developed chronic health issues and was depressed and started doing drugs again. We dont know if she was found after "collapsing suddenly", or because a drug overdose. The family wont say, shes now homeless because she is sick, missed rent, and none of them are willing to take her in. Not all who vaxxxed are having problems, but MANY ARE, and none who didnt vaxxx are having issues. This church never shut down, never masked, and except for 3 at this church, never vaxxxed. The other 2 who did vaxxx are a couple who dont attend this church anymore, and last I heard are constantly "tired", which is why they havent attended for about a year. Everybody has a story, this is just one of them, and those who planned this nonsense must be held accountable, period!!!
So hats off to your Pastor for not taking money to push the vax as SO MANY religious leaders did. I left the church I used to attend because of the vax pushing and found a church who is about God not going along with genocide. So sorry to hear about all the bad outcomes. They have people so pitted against eachother it is sickening. My sister Katie used to be one of those people who said nothing happened to me after the vax and I recently found out that was a complete lie. She had a VAERS reported vax injury after her second Pfizer dose and I only know that because my other sister told me. Now this sister who pushed the vax so hard even after he vax injury has turbo cancer so Jim died November 2021 sudden unattended death no autopsy (which is the protocol for unattended death. I tried to warn my brother Pat after Jim's funeral he refused to talk about it and would only say he knew he would be next to die, then he did February 2022, sudden unattended death again no autopsy Mom took every shot the doctors told her to take she died October 2023 And now Katie who was vax injured Pfizer dose 2 is dying in 2024. No one would ever hear about my grief if so many people were not still in danger, but I speak out about this every chance I get because people are still in SO MUCH DANGER. I would really appreciate it if you would tell your Pastor Truth Bomb Mary WWMD (Mary Violet is my actual name) if you would please tell him thank you for me. I mean it I want your Pastor to know how much I appreciate him trying to save the lives of his congregation I can't even express how much but to say writing this has me on the edge of tears thank your Pastor for me SO MUCH! Please I want him to know someone he never met appreciates him being a warrior for God SO MUCH and thank YOU TOO! Thank you for your comments and welcome to my channel Sigkim. Pastors who stood up for their congregations are so rare. Most of them took the money to push the death shots.
I thank God for our pastor, hes a true truth WARRIOR. The church is also NOT, 5013c, meaning we are NOT A "charity", thus we do indeed hold political rallys for candidates and do indeed talk about politics from the pulpit, and do ENDORSE righteous candidates as a CHURCH. What better way to silence millions of christians, who are more apt to be "patriots", than to offer them "charity status", in exchange for not being "political", from the pulpit. In other words, "they", bought christians silence on politics, for 30 pieces of silver, and christians as a whole fell for it :( WE, are very involved in local/state, politics, which is somehow a "dirty word", per se, among christians, when in reality, "politics", is simply GOVERNANCE, and is it not all citizens RIGHT to have say so in WHO, governs our country? As for the vaxxx, and MANY issues, very sadly, PEOPLE can be EASILY indoctrinated into believing ANYTHING, literally. Many factors come into play and among them on a surface level is mere,"stubbornness". Once a person believes "something", is truth/fact, they are prone to cling to such a belief via pure ego, and vanity of "not being wrong", for so long. This for many is embarrassing, no matter how tiny the issue, and definitely, how YUGE the issue. Flood the public with information from the get go, via "authority", about a thing, and the thing becomes FACT, in many minds. Label anything to the contrary as "misinformation/conspiracy theory", and that also becomes FACT. No actual "debate", required. As an aside, the mere fact that questioning "the science", was BLATANTLY CENSORED, in AMERICA, should be its own YUGE RED FLAG, MAYBE, "authority", is hiding something??? Of course the indoctrination goes DEEPER, with the likes of cuomo and their influence > MEDIA. Im going to present this video to our "constitution/current events", class we co-present.
I never thought about that 501c3 thing in relation to silencing very interesting. On ego and admitting you are wrong, I am happy to be wrong because how else can you learn I would rather know the ugly truth than believe a beautiful lie and so many people are just like what you said and they are missing out on learning. Thanks for what you said.
That is awesome you want to use this video in the Constitution Current Events class. All my videos are encouraged to be shared or even screen grabbed and put out on other people's channels. All I care is that people get the information they need to survive this genocide.
Lightningtreeband Im "constitution", pastor is "current events", but im gonna cut my hour in half, per se, to present this video. Its got YUGE info about the patents I was just surface aware of, that we should ALL BE VERSED ON. I'll let you know WED, what folks said...etc. CHEERS!!
Thank you for sharing this information. God please let this be the turning of the tide in favor of humanity against the eugenicist genocide super rich scum who are killing us by the billions. God please let the children have a future of freedom. They have been born into WWIII. This I pray for all the children worldwide. USA 1A 2A GLOBAL! END Diplomatic Immunity to stop genocide with impunity END abortion genocide STOP the US Border Child Slave Trade -Truth Bomb Mary WWMD founder of Survivor's League Against Pedophiles in Power S.L.A.P.P.! May Ashley Biden topple the whole regime. Her diary had alot more than showers with the Pedophile in Chief in it I read the whole thing and I know she left it behind on purpose to expose what her father is. She confirmed it was hers over the phone to National File who published it before Project Veritas ever came into possesion of it. I give up my wrath to God because he is BETTER AT IT!
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For It is better to be proven wrong, than continue to believe in a falsehood. ~ Truth Shouldn't we be HAPPY, to be proven wrong, for TRUTHS sake? I say YES.
A false belief is a dragon to be slain. If you can not admit you have been fooled you can not learn a thing.
dr martins Mcam emblem is very masonic btw
Eye of Horus I noticed that too. Had not noticed it before today. Still good info though this is why I check things for myself.
The letter "M" is also on the sign on the Wuhan building in that video!
i agree with you .... we must all discern be aware notice all the nuances each of us ~ what he says is def good info .... i have felt need for discernement before with him tho but for now yesss very good and important disclosure ~ grateful for all of us paying attention
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I mean just because of the buisiness he is involved in it is hard to trust him.
I noticed that right off the bat! It reminded me of & looked like a compass! Wuhan lab sign on the building has an "M" on it reminded me of Massonic as well!
LOL, IS THIS LIAR SERIOUS? HE WAS THE PROBLEM, HE WAS "WHAT WENT WRONG". Their lies and now trying the "victim card", are SHAMELESS!!! WE ARE THE PLEBS AND USELESS EATERS CUOMO HIMSELF PUSHED THE VAXXX ON < FACT!!! HE was the "elite", FAKING being quarantined. Evil liars have NO SHAME, 0 < ZERO!!!
You will appreciate this artwork : More artwork that might be good for videos and thumbnails at: Documentary :
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The palace as a toilet was in the film you sent. I watched it. My videos will not upload to Rumble if I put links to it in the description box (it's that way with alot of different kinds of links.) My handle on redbubble is artistability. I am just happy if people look at the designs I am not in this shit for money or I would have quit long ago. I know everyone is strapped for cash. And I am happy that 2 strangers bought 2 t shirts and a couple of stickers. Comparison is the thief of joy. The trigger your comment hit in me has nothing to do with you, or the artist just an exposed nerve of insecurity in me. Remembering to be gfrateful resolves such insecurities I just did not have a full tank of it upon waking this morning I appreciate all your comments, and I have my failings as a human being shown to me by my own words and then I work through it. I know you meant no disrespect, I am just demoralized and defeated in the morning I should wait till I have coffee before I respond to people.
Looks like you have a couple of downvote-trolls on your channel Think of their attention as a complement :-) I did a search but I suspect this is not you: That's all that showed up You should be able to put a link in a comment ?
That is my redbubble account with Epic Diving. They make it very hard to find if you scroll down you will see other designs by this artist. They side track everyone off my designs onto other artists and they make it damn near impossible to find. If you click on the duffle bag and scroll down it says 83 other designs by artistability. Thank you for even trying to find my artwork it is there that is the right account but they have it hidden away behind the one design I did for a local dive company.
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HA! Love the cartoon of the palace as a toilet. He is a good artist I woke up in a bad mood. It's just hard to look at the success of someone who gets $20,000 dollars for a cartoon when you are also an artist and no one gives a shit about your own artwork which is censored and blocked and throttled just like the videos I make to inform people. Now that I have had some coffee I am glad someone gets to have success as an artist during their lifetime. Don't you dare look at my artwork on redbubble or tell anyone about my protest designs. (bitter sarcasm obviously). I actually have sold 2 t shirts and a couple of stickers recently and I do appreciate whoever took the time to look and thought enough of them to buy something but comparison is the thief of joy and I work really hard for next to nothing and I am pretty happy to do it until I see other people allowed to succeed when I have lost everything over this death shot that has killed half my family.
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I did not see the cartoon of the palace as a toilet Bob Moran faces some of the same challenges as you: But having already worked his way up the ladder he had more power when Covid- Cancellation etc came for him. Please give us a link to your artwork and I will have a look [might not buy anything because I am too tight to pay the carriage to UK] Best wishes and thanks for all you do.
Do you have a T- shirt design that says & or what design would the back ground be or what picture would you depict so that people get the point of stupidity! Could this be the caption on the T shirt & or duffle bag? TRUTH IS LIKE A DOG WHISTLE (Only certain people can hear it) PS: I did go to the websight artist for your work. It's just an idea! Thank You
He makes $20,000 for a traced cartoon of a gallows and I make $2 a T shirt on my original protest art designs and have sold 4 of them. How depressing. I wonder how he got the connections to actually make money from his cartoons.
"$" how dare you! those are "£" . . . . that's well over $25,000 for "Swing" [Thanks for making us a 'Vaccine' . . . . . . We made you a 'Play Swing'] and $25,000+ for a cartoon . . . ["traced" how dare you!] . . . . is what surviving Cancellation looks like! I am delighted . . . . and I wish him . . . [and indeed you] . . . . every success. I have only a passing interest in political cartoons but Bob Moran was successful as a political cartoonist long before he became a Covid dissident-cartoonist. He was a regular cartoonist in UK national/international newspapers including The Guardian and then The Telegraph He was sacked by The Telegraph in October 2021 for 'inappropriate' tweets and opinions relating to Covid1984 The dude is willing to burn his "connections" In 2022, Bob partnered with The Democracy Fund and now creates cartoons that are available for FREE publication use. . . . . . I am guessing that your channel is a "publication" ? The Democracy Fund owns the copyright on many of his cartoons $25,000 for "Swing" is more than I would want to pay . . . . but if Bob's work is judged to have measurably moved the needle there is just a chance that in 10 years such originals might be worth $25 million ? It is clearly not a Rembrandt . . . . but There is no telling 'value' with artwork. Earlier works like "Stab-Vest" sold for 'only' £5000 "Swing" selling for 4 times more indicates to me that the message is gaining traction . . . . and that in time this war will be won. In the meantime the dude has a family to support.
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Dr. Ardis
I found out from my own doctor trying to stop me from looking up Lisinopril because she said "if you look it up you will just stop taking it. So I looked it up and found out it is Captopril at 1/5 the dose and Captopril is derived from the peptides of Brazillian Pit Viper venom, before Dr Ardis came out with the snake venom stuff so when I heard him talk about it I knew it was probably true. I learned about the medicine I was on from an article called From Snake Venom to Ace Inhibitor, the Rise of Captopril. What Ardis has to say about venom also makes me wonder if any of those chemical or biological weapons brought to Water Island where James Biden did a shady land deal near the ridgeline with lobbyist Scott Green and Joe Biden visited multiple times but DOES NOT OWN as the straw man narrative claims (department of interior USA owns Water Island everyone who built houses there is on a sub lease) I wonder because of what Ardis says about the venom because they tested chemical AND biological weapons on Water Island, did any of that end up at Hunter Biden's Metabiota Ukrainian Biolabs or his Epstein Maxwell connected CEO of Metabiota Nathan Wolf's sending his employee to Wuhan did any chemical or biological agents from Water Island end up in those plastic bags sent from China that were used to fill "vaccine" vials.
All I know is they poison our water and food + meds with venom peptides then announce there is a new virus through controlled MSM and when people get sick they go to there doctor and there doctor say's hey we have a vaccine for that .
venom peptides make you sick the vaccine kills ya.
My brother Jim died November 2021 sudden unattended death no autopsy triggered which is the protocol for unattended deaths. The protocol for sudden unattended deaths is no longer followed because the rubbery clots caused by the death shots would be found. I warned my brother Pat about the shots after Jim's funeral all he would say is he knew he was going to die next then he did. Sudden unattended death no autopsy February 2022. Mom died October 2023. She did not have dementia before she started taking shots. My sister who will not stop taking shots eventhough she was vax injured on the second Pfizer dose has turbo cancer in 2024. I was ON SNAKE VENOM LISINOPRIL and had all the side effects and was told not to look it up or I'd stop taking it by a so called doctor before the pandemic and before I ever heard Bryan Ardis's name. I definitely think he knows what he is talking about. I have been made sick by the snake venom peptides in Lisinopril before the pandemic and 3 members of my family are dead and another one dying from the shots. I know from all the funerals and my own suffering from Lisinopril that what you are saying is true.
Truth Bomb Mary WWMD
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