Heal for good. Zone School with Dr. Peter Goldman

9 months ago

Get into the Zone with the Zone technique!

Zone School of Healing is an online program that helps chiropractors and other doctors and healers to massively increase their confidence and greatly improve the healing results they help their patient’s achieve.

The School was originally created for chiropractors only, but now also includes osteopaths, acupuncturists, naturopaths, homeopaths, medical doctors, energy healers, bodyworkers, etc. All members of Zone School are taught the Zone Technique of healing as well as the principles of healing at their highest level.​

Enrollment in Zone School includes 50 hours of video teachings by founder Dr. Peter Goldman DC, 8 hours of which are live Q&A sessions with Dr. Pete. There are also optional weekend live events that are taught by Dr. Pete monthly all over the US, Europe, etc.​

Zone School members can also become certified and appear on the international Zone School Directory.

The Wonder Network is a proud supporter of the Zone Technique! Find out more here -- https://www.thewonder.network/essentials

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