Evan Reif on The Dirk Pohlmann Show - 19 May 2024

4 months ago

GUEST OVERVIEW: Evan Reif was born in a small mining town in Western South Dakota as the son of a miner and a librarian. His father's struggles as a union organizer, and the community's struggles with de-industrialization, nurtured Evan's deep interest in left-wing politics. This, along with his love of history, made him a staunch anti-fascist.

Bio for Podcast: While the Ukraine war seems to be a conflict which exploded in 2014 it is in fact about 100 years old. Various fascist groups fought for dominance in what is now called Ukraine and have been under the control of several empires before WW1, during and after WW2, in the Cold War and now in the New Cold War. Together with one of the most profound specialists in this field, US freelance journalist Evan Reif, regular author in Covert Action Magazine, TNT host Dirk Pohlmann explores this unknown and definitely underrated history. The topics of the the interview are the massacres of Galician Ukrainians against the Poles and jews, the collaboration of Stepan Bandera with the Nazi mass murder in WW2 and the Cold War usage of him and other groups by CIA and MI6 against the USSR. Now a similar structure is at work again. It is like the rehearsal of an old black and white tv program. The internal return of the same.

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