Break The Cycle (Woody Delfi) | Pop, Dance, EDM | Single release

25 days ago

Get ready for a hypnotic, mind-bending experience that will make you question what is real. This cutting-edge music video for the pulsing house track "Break The Cycle" takes you on a mesmerizing visual journey through duality and infinite balance.

As the driving rhythms and haunting vocals build, a striking central figure appears - a woman whose face is artfully divided into contrasting black and white halves in the unmistakable symbol of the yin and yang. In a surreal, dream-like space, she moves fluidly in and out of the frame, at times dissolving into pure light and darkness.

Her pushes and pulls mimic the song's intense, cyclical patterns as it flows between moments of euphoric drops and thumping builds. Each transition is accented by mind-warping graphics, stark colors, and stuttering effects that play with positive and negative space.

This endlessly symbolic image of duality taps into the human struggle to find equilibrium and break free from life's vicious cycles. As the music intensifies with progressive grooves and slices of poignant vocals, the cosmic dancer within us is stirred, eager to lose ourselves in the rhythm.

With stunning visuals that are attimes hypnagogic and chaotic, yet resolving into moments of stark clarity, this official music video is a daring artistic statement. Get ready to "Break The Cycle" and surrender to the unifying power of music and movement.

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