CLIF HIGH - Choose YOUR future flavor...

23 days ago

Choose YOUR future flavor...
Uh, like now is your choice point...

Hello humans, hello humans. May 20th, heading towards 8.30ish. And off to do a bit of purchasing, acquisition of some stuff. I'm trying to get some staples put away at the moment. Not merely because of the nuclear war coming, but... because I have to do some irregular activities in terms of my schedule here in the near future.
And it's going to impact my ability to do regular shopping, that sort of thing. So I'm sort of planning ahead, stocking up a bit, trying to get a couple of weeks worth of stuff put away. So the Elohim worship cult, the Israelis killed the prime minister and a bunch of people in Iran.
It's not like it was an accident, the helicopter thing. This is, of course, along with all the other assassinations, right? The Elohim worship cult taking out all the people that are in power against their, and are against their agenda. So they're, you know, they attempted to assassinate the Croatian guy, or the Slovakian guy, and, you know, it's,
and all these other individuals are being taken out all over. What's interesting to me at this particular point is that we have a, um, uh, selection, so to speak about potential futures for us here. Right? So I have, I have a data set that's fairly large. Um, it could be, um, describing a, uh,
world in world war three, but it's not describing it like, you know, uh, missiles and rockets and all that kind of shit flying all to hell and gone. It's it's, that's not the description. What's coming across is reaction by the populace. And so, yes, there's indications of state-sponsored attacks on institutions, if you will, of various different kinds.
And these state-sponsored attacks against the institutions are triggers for the populace. And so we see outrage among the populace everywhere. And we get up to the point where, like three weeks from now, there's massive, massive, massive global protests, which do absolutely squat. The Elohim worship cult, the Israelis, the Zionists, they don't give a shit about protests.
They never take that into account. So, you know, the whole world protesting, all of humanity protesting against the the two nuclear war ain't going to do shit. It will not stop it. But in this data set, that is the war as it progresses, in my my view, There are individuals within the populace that decide that's it.
Fuck it. If they're going to nuke war, I'm going to go to nuke war too. And so they start assassinating all of the Elohim worship cult, all the deep state operators. And so I'm not going to name names because I don't want to get another visit by the
fucking Federal Bureau of Spying on the citizens and deal with that. But a lot of the selected individuals that you are aware of, famous selected political names across the Western hemisphere, but also in Israel and especially in Switzerland. Switzerland's going to be really rocked by the number of assassinations, right?
And of course, not all of them are going to be quick and clean. Not all of these things are professional. All these people are just rank amateurs and some of the assassins are going to get killed, but they figure what the fuck, you know, if the, if the, the Jews are going to start, uh, uh,
chucking nukes at us and won a nuclear war, why not? Right. It's on party on. And so we'll see if we go to that scenario. All right, so let me back up. There's three large sets as to our near-term future. Two of them involve space aliens over the course of this summer,
and both of those totally alter the nature and direction of humanity, okay? And no, there's no good aliens coming to rescue you. It's not that way. The other one is this Zionist nuclear war thing, right? Now, even the Zionist nuclear war thing changes humanity forever, but it doesn't go down the way that the Zionists want,
the way they're planning. What appears to happen relative to the data set is that they chuck a few missiles, get the thing started, about 32 days from yesterday. And in that third week, just before they get things started, there's massive global protests that don't do shit.
And then everybody just like all the humanity gets really freaked out, sort of hunkered down. We know it's all coming. And that's the point at which there's, let's call it DA, direct action. And so in Switzerland, there's a lot of mother wefers that get taken out and a lot of the assassins as well, because as I say,
they're not particularly suited for this task. Here in the US, we find that there's a lot of deep state players that are taken out. This will include maybe as many as a thousand, maybe as many as a thousand Soros paid for county officials. So you'll see,
assassinations in counties it won't make any sense to you you know so-and-so district attorney in some podunk County off somewhere you know found dead in his car of a gunshot you know it was it's ruled suicide he somehow set the gun up you know some distance away and shot himself through the window
But that kind of thing, it'll just go on and on. And so that will interrupt and take over the MSM headline news, okay? And as another part of this, as another aspect of this, in that third week, when all the protests are going down, that's when we get like super massive data dump, all right?
And I'm not talking, you know... you know, hidden technology at that stage. No, what I'm talking about is all the dirt, the Epstein list, the videos, you know, frazzle drip, the whole thing. And so, yeah, a lot of these players will simply cease to exist, right? They will be ended if we go down that particular data set.
So there's, you know, I have to say, there is a part of me that is hoping that that is indeed the case, that we'll go this way and we'll deal with this and have to deal with the cleanup, uh, because it's clean. It's, it's, it's, um, less muddied than the, than other approaches. Okay.
And so the other two, uh, data sets both have a large component around the space aliens. Um, and we could just characterize them as officialdom, disclosure, disclosure, and unofficialdom disclosure. Okay. So in one data set, we have some set of pressures that make officialdom reveal the space aliens and all of the hidden history and all of that.
In the other one, we have a breakthrough that yields pretty much the same effect. And that is that we get the hidden history brought out. We get the hidden technology brought out. We get the space aliens. There's giant discussion about all of this, but it doesn't arrive from officialdom. It's the stolen document kind of thing, right?
The food riot that then leads to a break into a facility that doesn't have food, but does have documents and stuff about UFOs. So it'll be that kind of a thing, right? Now, all these data sets are very, very confused, but nonetheless, we have two sets that are delineated by the...
the method by which that same set of information arises or comes into humanity. And so, like I say, in one set, it's an official release. Now, I don't have any data in there that says why they do it, or rather, the actual proximate cause,
but the why part of it is that they are being pressured by the presence of aliens, okay? On Earth, off Earth, it doesn't give me any indications. And is it a case of, it appears to be a case of they are being pressured, not by direct contact necessarily with the aliens.
So it's not like the aliens say, are talking to them and say, do disclosure now. It's not that way. Officialdom just gets... Freaked out because they think the aliens are going to bypass them and head right in and start talking to humans. And that gets them all really weirded out.
Now, in all three sets, we end up in a world where all the Epstein client list shit is out. Lots and lots and lots of pedophiles are arrested. All of this kind of stuff, right? So, um, so in that sense, all three potential scenarios for this next intermediate period of time over these next few months, um,
all converge and head into sci-fi world. Uh, it's just a question of, uh, what level of, um, chaos and grief and aggravation we have to go through to get there. So, so interesting at that level. Now our, um, Entry into sci-fi world, regardless of the approach that we take to get there,
still has us going through vast quantities of chaos and attempting to clean up and at the same time transition humanity for this new age as we go forward. Going into sci-fi world, no matter how we get there, we're going to have the big dump of all of the the hidden stuff. And thereafter, the Elohim worship cult, uh,
the Pharisees, the rabbis, uh, the rabbinical councils are, uh, hugely diminished in, uh, potential, uh, uh, to cause problems. All right. And so if it's the nuke war, there'll be dead rabbis lying every fucking place. Okay. Because it'll come out, uh, that it's the Zionist, it's the two war against the rest of the world.
And in this Zionist war against the rest of the world with their nukes and the whole thing, as I say, people that have just fucking had it are going to say, you know, I don't care anymore. You know, kill me. That's fine.
I'm going to take out a couple of dozen of you guys before you get to me. And that's the way it's going to go. Now, this is going to be in the data sets. It's extremely nasty in... cities, in very large cities where we have large rabbinical councils. So the rabbinical council guys are armed,
they attempt to defend themselves, there's full-on battles, and they're slaughtered, okay, just because they're hugely outnumbered. Some of the data sets are suggesting that in some of the more quiet areas of the country, relative to these people popping off with the deep state and stuff,
that we find some of the Zionists become aware of this within like the second or third week of it occurring. And we start seeing a very large push, or not push, but Zionists want to leave North America. Okay. And so there's, this is a weird thing.
thing within the the nuke war okay in that data set it shows that there's like cruise ships that are hired like like purchased uh not purchased but like rented and so cruise ships uh take jews out of new york okay to get them out of there
because of the fighting and this kind of stuff right so there's there is truly a uh not a it's a self-deportation of zionists out of North America. Now, this is in the process of a lot of them being killed. Open fucking warfare, right? As I say, it'll be, you know, synagogues being burned down, being bombed.
We'll have instances of cars being turned into bombs like, you know, Tesla cars. You fill it full of gasoline and containers of water. And drive it into a building. Just let it, you know, put it into self-drive and all of that and fuck the software and let it drive right into the building. It'll catch on fire.
You don't have to worry about it. That's what they do. And then they just explode. So this is going to be the flip side of the Zionists. killing the Iranians and trying to start World War III, is that so many people are aware of it, so many people are aware of the plan,
that they will just react when it all goes off. And so it's quite factual, guys. I'm not an insurrectionist. I'm very happy to live in a constitutional republic and do follow laws. But if there's nukes flying around and the Zionists have started a nuclear war and
the United States is involved in a war and we have the Christian Zionist Biden regime fuckers trying to tell everybody to get your daughters and sons ready to go die for Israel. Well, it's like, fuck no dudes. You know, there's a few people in this state that need to be arrested.
They need to be corralled and charged with crimes and prosecuted under common law courts. And that will include our district attorneys, our chief prosecutor, the, you know, the state attorney general, all of these people that have been paid for by Soros. And this will also include a lot of the Jewish population in the state.
because they're part of this, whether they're active or even understand their part in it. So it's going to get really ugly. There is no option to that. All right. So the ugliness is ahead of us. It's just a question of what flavor of ugliness we have that we're heading into 32 days from now. So, We'll see.
You know, they like their 33 days, the Freemasons and all of that. So now on this regard, also here's a little tidbit for you. One of which I know to be factual and the other one I don't. Okay, so part of this is a rumor that I can't validate.
But there are some hints that it may be factual. Uh, Wano Sabin is out there, uh, touting real ID. Okay. Now my data sets say that Trump at all have to have a, uh, a real, real ID. They have to have a digital ID structure in order,
and they're going to go to pimp it to the people saying we have to have this to protect the vote, which is factual. Okay. There is nothing wrong with that. We need an ID system. You need to be able to prove who you are and that you're a citizen. before you're allowed to make decisions for our country.
So that is needed. Now, the hell of it is that, of course, you know that that's the first step into the CBDC. Now, the part I can't validate is that there are rumors out there that... Trump's team is heavily weighted with midwit management types that are known CBDC builders. That is, they're not just simply advocates.
They're actually working on the thing. Okay, so maybe Trump's team is planning on putting in a CBDC. They certainly are planning on putting in Real ID, which is the first step to the social credit system, right? And even if the government said, you can't use Real ID and establish a social credit score,
the corporations are going to do that anyway, just because it's there and it's available. Unless there are incentives designed into the system that would disincentivize them, right? There are many ways to design a Real ID system that... you could use a, it can be made automatic and it'll track who does what with your ID and who even
looks at it. Okay. So you can do that. You could build that into a blockchain so that every time that that block is examined, it takes the, um, uh, the data of the, of the person doing the examination.
And so there's a lot of ways to get around the, some of the limitations and the bad parts of a real ID. But at this moment, we don't know that they're doing any of that. But we do know that it's, you know, just the nature of humans,
that humans working in corporations will take advantage of a real ID that they can trust. It is verified, et cetera, et cetera, because it serves their purposes and lowers their cost for fraud and all of this. Now, in the midst of all three of these potential data sets I've got is the collapse of the currency.
and that that is the, or the collapse of the purchasing power of the USA petrodollar. And that's one of the primary motives for this world war that the Zionists want to have. They want to keep their central banks going.
The Zionists own all the central banks in the world, and you are their slave if you use their currency. Because you pay them just to create the stuff out of thin air, just to cause digits to exist. So anyway, this is our future. Welcome to it.
It's going to be here in 32 days, according to my data sets. I mean, it can be off on the timing, obviously. We've got all kinds of utility work here. I have to pay attention to what the hell is going on because we've got one lane roads and pilot cars and all of that. it's the, um,
quickly while we have a reasonably dry period of time, come out and repair all the fucking roads that got beat by all the damn storms and are degrading. So you can't even drive on them. Um, time. Okay. So this is, this is the fun, uh, segue into summer, um, road work time around here.
There's a lot of it too. Anyway. So, um, it's going to be an interesting, uh, 2024 summer. Fascinating. I'm hoping really that we actually have one of the two scenarios with the space aliens, either one. Uh, we all end up going into sci-fi world, no matter what, uh, you know, fantastic level of inventions, uh,
particulate physics falls away. And, uh, CERN is even shut down. Who gives a shit about particles? Um, And we get all kinds of release technology that is existent now. And then we get the big invention boom that goes from there. If they suppress a technology, they're not suppressing just that particular invention, right?
So if you suppress free energy in any form, you're suppressing millions of inventions that would be derived from that. So, and this is just the nature of humans. We're going to take it. We're going to hack it. We're going to be creative with it. And this is our world at the moment.
So, I'm not planning on them being able to launch their nukes. It does seem like there is indeed, especially with this... Recent statements by Flynn, General Flynn, and this Ivan, I think his name is Rakin, fellow. Okay, those things getting traction have a tendency to make me think that the initial
part of the nuke war set is pretty factual and that maybe the Zionists will grasp that. the risk that they are under at the moment, you know, it's hard to say. You just don't know what, if any, mind they have. You don't know how these people think to be able to be so anti-human.
So you can't really project from your own level of consciousness how they are going to react to this. But they're not very brave people. They don't have a lot of courage. They live all the time in fear, and their fear is about to be extremely elevated.
as the language around them starts changing and certain acts over these next few days, like maybe, let's see, today's the 20th. So the next eight days. So a few acts over these next eight days should start putting the fear of the people into the Zionists. And it should change the dynamic.
If it doesn't, then we can say, then I'll be able to say maybe on the 28th or so, that, yeah, we're really truly headed into the Jewish nuke war. And if that's the case, then here's what we need to do. So we have 32 days.
So I would suggest that we'll know in these next eight or 10 days what the likelihood of the of which or we should get an idea of the which of these data sets is more likely. We won't know, of course, until it actually manifests.
And you could go into the into the Jewish nuke war set and find yourself emerging from, you know, captured document UFO disclosure set. Right. So there's just no way in knowing because all the sets are, of course, all tied in with each other, all within the same group of data.
And it's just the delineation by active words that separates them. But you can have those words active in any set. It's just the weighting in how much you have within them. Very much the same with any AI. It's the weighted... average weighted index uh indices issue and um but we'll see so i actually do think
we're going to get into it um we are into it now that really the question for me is going to be um how much of it's going to develop and what direction it's going to take us off in anyway guys got to do stuff here so i'll talk to you later i'll make
a couple more of these over the next few days i've got some Major changes in my life here in terms of what's going to be going on, and I've got to go do trips and this kind of thing. So it's going to be a little bit disconnected for a while, discombobulated, pretty much like the planet.
So take care, you know, 32 days. I can be wrong, but, you know, make plans accordingly.

Aether Pirates of the Matterium!


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