Birthday Doofus Smashes Light Fixture

6 years ago

Adults and piñatas are an interesting combo. Though it’s traditionally a children’s game, there’s nothing that says it is not fun for grown ups to wail away at an inanimate object while blindfolded (and if anything did say that, it would be lying). In fact, we here at AFV might argue in favor of piñatas being an entirely adults-only endeavor, since there’s far more that can go wrong that way. Case in point, these funny folks.

We would never want to jump to any conclusions, but presumably, the man who’s being blindfolded is celebrating his birthday. Gotta say, that taco piñata ain’t a bad touch. After making sure the blindfold is secure, the birthday boy is spun around by his wife (not jumping to conclusions: she says “whose husband is this?” shortly thereafter) and handed a plastic bat. You know what that means: It. Is. ON.

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