Developing your Psychic Gifts - Clairvoyance and the other Clairs

7 months ago

Part 1 Guidance on developing your intuition and psychic gifts, particularly looking at Clairvoyance, Clairaudience and Clairsentience .
Sharing some stories of my own plus various tips to help make your own connection to spirit clearer. This video is suitable for beginner or advanced level, with help from Archangel Metatron for us all.
Includes how we block connection
Asking why you want to receive the gifts
How the gifts arrive
An unusual crystal to help develop your abilities
Information on Third Eye and Altar Major Chakras
Keeping ego out and spirit in
Working with your guides and understanding the relationship
and a lot more....
A huge subject but let us start the conversation here.
@AmandaEllis #archangelmetatron #clairyoyance #psychictarot

Healing & Connection Aura Colour Sprays:
Teal Altar Major Chakra and Tanzanite Third Eye spray plus a full chakra set for all 13 chakras at:

Oracle decks:
I have made two Oracle decks:
Christ Consciousness Self Mastery Oracle by Amanda Ellis & Jane Delaford Taylor and The Archangel Metatron Self Mastery Oracle deck

To donate (thank you)

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I am also NOT on Tik Tok so ignore Scammers there too!

Music Intro: - - my intro music is from his album Aether the track is called Two Worlds.

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