Krasnodar. Attractions. What to see in Krasnodar?

29 days ago

Krasnodar stands on the banks of the Kuban River, the embankment of which stretches for a long distance. The kissing Bridge, which has its own unusual history and is certainly an urban landmark, is of interest here. Life in Krasnodar attracts many immigrants, but travelers, choosing where to go in Russia, often go to the capital of Kuban. The most beautiful and fashionable park in the whole south of Russia is Galitsky Park, built at the expense of the owner of the Krasnodar football club. If you ask the locals what you need to see in Krasnodar first of all or where to go in Krasnodar, then most will name Galitsky Park. At the same time, the main sights of Krasnodar are concentrated on Krasnaya Street. This central Red Street in Krasnodar has been hospitably stretched for several kilometers. On weekends, it turns into a pedestrian zone and both locals and visitors to the city of Krasnodar like to come for a walk. The sights of Krasnaya Street are for every taste, you can also eat here.

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