Are Aliens Among Us? Debunking UFO Myths and Exploring the Milky Way

1 month ago

You know the great Italian physicist Enrico Fermi he's like where are they Now a lot of people think there are aliens among us Well there was that movie Men in Black Yes yes yes They told us they're among us and Elvis really went back to his own planet Yeah Well I mean really a lot of people think there are aliens but I get asked that a lot For some reason a lot of the same people who think there are aliens among us don't think we went to the moon which I'm like think about that for a second I mean I've not seen any evidence of aliens and SpaceX with the Starling constellation has roughly six thousand satellites and not once have we had to maneuver around a UFO okay So we were like hey what's that Is that an alien It has occurred never So I'm like okay I don't see any evidence of aliens and if somebody has evidence of aliens in a you know that's not just a fuzzy blob then I'd love to see it love to hear about it but I don't think there is Which is actually a reasonable concern because if any civilization in the Milky Way in our galaxy were to last for a million years even with a speed of travel that's far below the speed of light like a few percent of the speed of light they could easily have explored and colonized the whole galaxy

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