Ask Me 65: Are curses real? What is a curse? Biblical Example & need for repentance || DosimpleTV

9 months ago

What a session. Are curses real? What is a curse? Biblical Example & need for repentance. According to oxford languages a curse is a solemn utterance intended to invoke a supernatural power to inflict harm or punishment on someone or something. So persons or things can be cursed. Do you wonder why people are still tormented by evil spirits? especially giving them thoughts that lead them to commit more sins, eat wrongly, or even consider suicide. Why would a young man or woman think of suicide? An evil spirit has taken advantage of their ignorance to pretend that it is the individual thinking while the evil spirit is actually the one saying "oh no one loves me" or "oh life is too hard". The intention is for the individual to self-destroy. A biblical example of how the curse works is seen in the example of Solomon and Rehoboam his son (1 king chapter 11 and chapter 12). Solomon disobeyed God by following other gods. And he received a curse which will take effect from the time of his son Rehoboam. The curse was that the kingdom will be divided or taken from the son of Solomon but one will be left for the sake of David. In chapter 12, we saw how this curse took effect when the son of Solomon (Rehoboam) was asked to make the yoke lighter for the people. He heard the good counsel of the old men and went further to get a terrible counsel from the young ones. Since there is a curse over his life, he instead followed the advice of the young ones and spoke harshly to the people and said he will even make the yoke heavier than his father. And the rest of the story can be seen when one goes through the chapters. The curse came to pass just as spoken. The question now is - Is there a way out of a curse? The answer is YES because of what Jesus did on the cross, anyone who wants to be free from sin or curse can believe in what Jesus did and use the blood of Jesus to wash themselves clean and then decide not to do evil again. Please watch for closer details, share, comment your thoughts and like. Cheers #dennis_onuigbo

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