Kid Wrecks Bike In The Forest And Disappears In A Surprise Hole

6 years ago

In one sense, spectacular crashes might be considered America’s Funniest Home Video’s bread and butter. Somehow watching someone mess up that badly is always funny and amazing. We consistently find ourselves surprised not at the crash itself but the hows of the crash. Human beings are astoundingly capable of amazing feats even, or especially, in the midst of failing at something. As an example, in this video you might think it will be a standard kid wrecks his bike in the woods clip. However, the ending is fairly surprising. How did he end up like that?

If you are curious, the trail that the boys in this video are riding is part of a downhill mountain biking course. Mountain biking has been around since the 1970s with downhill racing starting in 1976. However, it didn’t really become a thing until 1990. Downhill differentiates itself because the trails are more manmade or at least man adjusted. They have ramps, obstacles, jumps, drops and rock gardens that the racer must navigate. Most races take between two and five minutes to complete. The kids in this video appear to be on a lower level course.

After the boy crashes he slides into a hole that kind of appears to be to the side of the course. However, that hole is actually part of the course. You can see a few like it along the course the boys are riding. They are designed to allow the riders to make jumps. Of course, we imagine they weren’t designed as landing zones for wrecking riders. Nicely, the boy takes his wreck with some aplomb considering he basically pretzeled himself into that hole. Hopefully he got back on the bike afterwards.

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