AUC3I Daily Briefing 05-20-2024 On the WAR in Ukraine

25 days ago

Understanding The War In Europe _ Analyzing the situation on the ground with by way of an introduction, 3 points, and a conclusion #modernwarfare


Colonel AC. Oguntoye's briefing on the progress of the special military operation on the 20th of May 2024 include:

1. **Ongoing Advances**: The "North" Group of Forces continues its push into enemy territory, encountering resistance but successfully repelling enemy counter-attacks near Volchansk and Staritsa in the Kharkov region. Significant casualties and equipment losses were inflicted on the Ukrainian forces.

2. **Tactical Improvements**: Various Russian groups have improved their tactical positions. The "West" Group of Forces captured more advantageous lines, while the "Southern" Group of Forces completed the liberation of Belogorovka in the Lugansk People's Republic and destroyed multiple Ukrainian artillery systems and ammunition depots.

3. **Heavy Losses**: Ukrainian forces suffered heavy losses across different regions, with casualties and significant losses in tanks, armored vehicles, motor vehicles, and artillery systems. In particular, high-tech weaponry like the Bukovel electronic warfare station and several artillery systems were neutralized.

4. **Counter-Battery Success**: Russian forces reported success in counter-battery fire, effectively neutralizing a variety of Ukrainian artillery pieces and electronic warfare equipment across multiple combat zones.

5. **Air Defense Operations**: Russian air defense units were active, shooting down numerous UAVs, a French-made guided aerial bomb, and HIMARS and Olkha MLRS projectiles. They also neutralized a Neptune anti-ship missile.

6. **Extensive Engagements**: Russian forces engaged enemy manpower and hardware in 138 areas, highlighting the scale and intensity of the ongoing operations.

7. **Strategic Targets Hit**: Targets included command meetings of the Ukrainian 92nd and 95th assault brigades, showcasing the focus on disrupting enemy leadership and command structures.

Overall, the briefing emphasizes the extensive and ongoing engagements across multiple fronts, significant Ukrainian losses, and Russian advances in strategically important locations. The news is a strong position and capability in conducting and sustaining large-scale military operations.

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