9/11 - The Final Chapter: Dust in the wind

8 months ago

By Scarab Performance YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@scarabperformance

Started so well, but then the maker also fell for the bullshit cover story with relation to Building 7 - Such a shame, let's see what the rest of the docci holds...

Building 7 - The Great Big Bamboozle
You have NOT been given all the FACTS on Building 7. Video:

The 9/11 Building 7 HOAX
Making fun of the proponents of conventional controlled demolition since 2011
Read the article:

But I must admit it is well done, the dustification of the towers and the nonsense narratives of the PentaCon and Shanksville is spot on...

Please see the 1h Docci: "9/11 The Essential Guide" on this channel

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