24 days ago

The main countries clearly show that the Nazis (Ashkenazim) and the Zionists are and always have been the same demonic entity. The Khazarians were constantly changing their identity...Ottoman Empire, Israel, Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Bolsheviks, Nazis, Neocons, they are all the same bloodline. The article below gives a basic understanding of the underpinnings of this largely hidden war.

The Kahlooni Family: The Jesus Strand


An incredible article and a good read to understand the complexity of the war between God and Satan, between the Kahlooni Family and the Zionist Jesuit Khazarian Mafia Cabal.

It is wise for people to understand that the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican had the objective of enslaving humanity through a highly corrupt currency system, and to eradicate Christians and Christianity. Zionism-Islam-Nazis-Communism-Freemasonry-Knights of Malta are all inter-connected in the evil beast. This then leads to the purpose of our planet, often referred to as the Matrix. The satanic elite use various means to dumb us down, food, drink, drugs, big pharma, tell-a-vision and so on. Our children are the food source for the ET's, and those who appear in human form. This war is a spiritual war, a war to both defeat evil across the world and to unite those who are left standing. The meek shall inherit the earth.

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