Brain Injury and Social Environment.

9 months ago

Special Edition Brain Injury and Social Dimensions A Social Work Perspective

In a special edition interview broadcast, expert Akudo Amadiegwu from Kent University and the University of Cambridge discusses brain injury - how individuals are affected by it and how family members of the person suffering from brain injury are also impacted. The discussion also focuses on how social work as a science can help in healing the psychological issues in global human society, and what opportunities research in social science offers to promote social adherence and solidarity in society to handle brain injury.

#braininjury #psychology #health #mentalhealth #england #environment #criminaljustice #humanrights #patient #hospitals #trending #utubevideo #utubeviral #kentuniversity #cambridge #sucide #research #medication #globalpandemic

Additionally, the most recent publications and research outputs by Akudo Amadiegwu are discussed here.

Linden, M. A., Holloway, M., Cooper, C., Amadiegwu, A., Bald, C., Clark, M., Mantell, A., Norman, A., & Bateman, A. (2023). Social workers and acquired brain injury: A systematic review of the current evidence-base. PLOS ONE, 18(11), e0292128.

Bald, C and Amadiegwu, A (2023) ‘Decolonisation and critical social work in Ioakimidis, V., and Wyllie, A. (2023) Social Work’s Histories of Complicity and Resistance. Brighton. Policy Press.

Canterbury Christ Church University (2024) Making Headway on World Social Work Week (2024),20th%20of%20March%202024.

Canterbury Christ Church University (2023) Decolonising our health and social care curriculum for a more inclusive future workforce.

University of Essex (2022) An Inclusive and Decolonised Health and Care Curriculum

Researcher : Heads Together

UK Parliament POST NOTE (2023) : Invisible Disabilities in Education and Employment

UK Parliament POSTNOTE (2022) Innovation in Adult Social Carehttps://post.parliament.UK/research-briefings/post-pn-0670/

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