GENOCIDE: Emergency medical technician summarizes vaxx carnage he witnessed | Harry Fischer

9 months ago

Emergency medical technician (EMT) Harry Fischer worked in North Dakota when the huge roll-out of Pfizer jabs occurred in early 2021. In this video he summarizes the vaxx-induced carnage he saw:

- BLOOD CLOTS: His colleagues “had to intubate our nurse manager [who had] multiple blood clots in their lungs.”

- MISCARRIAGES: “We had so many miscarriages that I was calling people to come down and clean the chairs because they were having spontaneous abortions [and] there was too much blood...We were seeing massive carnage.”

- HEART ATTACKS: “One of the nurses I was working with lost her husband to a heart attack the day after his shot. That guy's brother died a week after after a heart attack, so we were seeing a lot of death. So much death that the ER doctor that I was working with, she’s since retired and told me she was retiring after this because she pulled me to the side and said, we are quote-unquote ‘Experiencing genocide.’” Fisher notes that he also worked in Muscogee in Oklahoma, where he witnessed a patient in their 20s die of a heart attack following their injection.

How do we know that these injuries are (1) exceptional and (2) caused by the jabs?

1. These was a SUDDEN (i.e. hours to weeks), DRAMATIC rise in these adverse events very SHORTLY after the roll-out of the experimental injections

2. Adverse events that used to hardly ever occur were suddenly not rare anymore (e.g. lungs full of blood clots) and they were also happening in groups of the population that would hardly ever have them before 2021, e.g. people in their 20s having heart attacks.

3. It wasn’t ‘COVID’ because these excess adverse events didn’t happen in 2020.

4. An analysis of the patient’s medical records, which the authorities are trying to block at all costs, would almost certainly reveal that they were all jabbed (or possibly they were in close and extended proximity to someone who was jabbed).

Harry Fischer was already thinking that a genocide was occurring. The ER doctor in the hospital he was working for said the same. Many domain experts that Jim Ferguson has interviewed agree that a genocide has occurred and is still occurring.


Harry Fischer

Jim Ferguson


Sense Receptor

Mirrored - frankploegman

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