How the sky look like now

4 months ago

@chemtrailsworldwide @theholisticsolution_ @myvegandiscoveries - How the sky used to be and how look like now
By Alessandro Carosi

Till 10-15 years ago the sky was sometime blue and sometime with clouds but now we get almost everyday planes leaving trails that grows in some sort of clouds like, there are many speculations why this is happening, some thinks we have been slowly poisoned, some thinks is weather modification and control, what we know at the moment that those trails seems like containing metals and amongst all the many theories the one that resonate more with me is the one that says that those suspended metals are made to vibrate at certain frequencies, those metals work as some sort of path for those frequencies that allow the weather to be modified having more rain, less rain, more heat, storms and so on.

Whatever you believe or whatever it is, it never been the sky like this before so you must fucking look up there cause something strange is happening for sure and you need to ask questions, what is happening? What are those trails? Why we never had it in the past and why we are having it now?

Something is going on worldwide and I believe to be a war but a war for our minds and to control our Souls

So ……

Begin to Ask to yourself and the government those fucking questions !!!!!! What is really happening????? …

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