Green Valley Line ep02 Pops New Assistant

13 days ago

(26 Episodes)
"Green Valley Line" (26 Chapter Serial)

Very little is known about the "Green Valley Line," other than it was a syndicated serial, possibly broadcast during the early 1930s. "Green Valley Line" tells the story of a small town railroad line in turn of the Century America, and of what a small, close-knit community will do to keep their train in their town.

When a conglomerate hound wants to gain ownership of "... the little engine that could...," he sends his son along to do his dirty work. You will hear how the towns-people band together to save their train from the "handsome man" attempting the 'take-over.'

This is a wonderful story which young and old alike will fall in love with; the whole story of which can be listened to in a 6-hour period. Complete in these 26 episodes.

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