9 months ago

Episode Description
The following segments were tentatively planned to air on Black Journal episode 3. 1. A report on reaction of black press to the Nixon-Agnew ticket, including commentary on the Republican Convention by Claude Lewis of the Philadelphia's Bulletin. 2. A report on the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, which four years ago challenged the all-white delegation to the Democratic National Convention, and which is currently holding its county conventions throughout the state. This is a study of the Loyal Democrats of Mississippi, a coalition formed by members of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, the NAACP, and white liberals led by Hodding Carter III. Included are scenes from the state's regular convention and the coalition convention. Charles Evers of NAACP is interviewed on the program. 3. Profile of Melvin Van Peebles, the first Negro to direct a feature film for general distribution. In it review of "The Story of a Three Day Pass," Cue Magazine credited Van Peebles with "tremendous insight into the gulf between what people feel and think and the reality they encounter" and applauded the film's "humanity" and "fresh, unconventional approach." Van Peebles, who is also a novelist and playwright, discusses his work with host Lou House. 4. A study of self-determination in Roosevelt City, Alabama. 5. The semantics of color, interpreted by night club pianist and singer George Taylor. The connotations of the words "black" and "white" are examined here. 6. A special report on the suffering province of Biafra, where multitudes have died of starvation since the onset of war with Nigeria. There is a film segment taken in Biafra. Also, there are interviews with Dr. Ogbu, Nigerian ambassador to the United Nations; Dr. Otue, Biafran charge d'affaires; and a Catholic priest, Rev. Fenton Kilbride, who recently returned from Biafra after 13 years of service in Eastern Nigeria. "Black Journal #3" is an NET production (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)

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