When a father SUSPECTS his own kids - Timothy Jones Jr.

23 days ago

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Timothy Jones Jr. was born in 1981. Despite his early life challenges in Illinois, he actually showed academic promise and went on to earn a degree in computer engineering. He married young Amber Kyzer, a Pennsylvania native, in June of 2004 in Chicago. The marriage was initially perceived as blissful and fruitful as it produced five children, three boys and two girls.

In 2011, Jones graduated from Mississippi State University. The whole family then relocated to South Carolina for Timothy to work as an engineer for Intel in Columbia. The couple moved into an inexpensive trailer in Columbia where Amber became a stay-at-home mother. Later on, Amber said her husband believed, "women are to be seen and not heard, keep the children out of the way, and at one point he wanted a farm full of children." Ironically, Timothy is a strict Christian fundamentalist. In fact, after his arrest, police seized his religious belongings, including a bible with verses highlighted on corporal punishment.

Problematic as the marriage seemed, it didn’t really raise concern. From all looks and appearances, they appeared like another imperfect family. However, ordinary life belied the turmoil within. Their marriage began to unravel due to a combination of Jones's increasing instability and substance abuse issues.

The relationship deteriorated over time, leading to a contentious divorce that significantly impacted Jones's life and mental state. The couple separated in May 2012. Allegedly, it happened because Jones discovered that his wife had a lover in the neighborhood. According to court records, Amber Jones did have an affair with a 19-year-old.

Custody battles ensued, and Timothy ultimately gained custody of the children. But the responsibility of single fatherhood, coupled with his personal demons, began to take a severe toll on him. The once loving father increasingly exerted strict and unreasonable control over his children, driven by a combination of religious fanaticism, paranoia, and perhaps the overwhelming pressure of raising five kids alone.

As Jones descended into a more erratic and abusive state, the family's life became characterized by isolation and strict routines. The household was steeped in an atmosphere of discipline and fear, far removed from the nurturing environment the children needed. The breakdown of his marriage laid the groundwork for the tragic events that would later unfold.

The tension within the household reached a breaking point in August of 2014. Jones's behavior became more abusive. The children, once the recipients of their father's flawed but genuine affection, now found themselves at the mercy of his unpredictable moods.

Timothy was actually already investigated twice for child abuse during this time, but investigators found no evidence that warranted removing the children from home. In May 2014, one of his children told his teacher that Jones spanked him and forced him to do exercises as punishment. But since there were no bruises, investigators considered the punishment lawful.

Two weeks later, Jones was again accused of abuse. This was a statement from the case worker in charge at the time: "Mr. Jones beats the child often leaving bruises. Mr. Jones does not feed the children adequately. It is reported Mr. Jones does not want to send his children back to public schools because he does not want the school to report the beatings." Furthermore, the case worker noted, "Dad appears to be overwhelmed as he is unable to maintain the home.” Unfortunately, this investigation remained open and saw no closure until the time of the murders. Otherwise, we would have had a better ending to this tale.

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