Biden's Double Standard: Sanctions For India, But Not Against Israel?

13 days ago

Biden's Double Standard: Sanctions For India, But Not Against Israel?
54.3K subscribers

3,069 views May 19, 2024 UNITED KINGDOM
Joe Biden is throwing a wobbly again and threatening sanctions, but when it is never against Israel, do care right now?
Right, so Joe Biden hasn't had the best of weeks. The US is being thrown out of Niger, for not eliminating terrorists there in exchange for US troops being allowed to stay in the country, whilst also telling the Nigerien government not to do deals with Russia or Iran or they'll walk away. Well, you're being told to get out, so good going.
Then there is the news that Biden is considering lifting sanctions on an Israeli businessman, who's business model seems to basically consist of exploiting the Congolese over the last 3 decades for their mineral wealth, because Biden wants access to that mineral wealth too. Both these stories I've covered in recent videos.
But now, where sanctions are possibly getting lifted on a wealthy Israeli rotter, Biden wants to impose sanctions again, though not on this Israeli chap, nor sadly on Israel itself, which needs a good sanctioning in my view and the view of many others. No, the sanctions are set to be place on India and just like Niger, it comes down to business dealings with Iran yet again.
Right, so Joe Biden is now threatening sanctions on India, a big economy, powerful country, because they've done an investment deal with Iran and the US doesn't like it and as always throws it's weight around to get it's own way, because still it believes that what it says on this planet should go and everyone should listen to them. It is petulant, weak and erodes diplomatic relations, it doesn't strengthen them, but frankly this isn't Biden's part of the world, it has nothing to do with the US, it has everything to do with India and it's issues with Pakistan and much like Israel and Palestine, the British Empire caused most of the problems.
I'm not going to go into the history of Partition, but where people were divided based on ethno religious grounds, to form what is now the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, hostility has ensued over the years between them and India, not necessarily to the same extent as with Israel and Palestine, as in their case there is disputed territory between them, whereas Israel are intent on ethnic cleansing and seizing Occupied Palestinian Territories for Israel, that is if you listen to the hard right factions of Netanyahu's government and certainly have been paying close attention to the goings on in Gaza.
India and Pakistan have gone to war with each other on numerous occasions over the likes of Kashmir, peace treaties have been signed in between, but it's always been a case of it's a matter of time before things flare up.
Now India and it's decade long ruling Prime Minister Narendra Modi aren't above reproach in and of themselves either. Modi is an authoritarian, many ethnic minorities in the country feel persecuted by him, he is ardently right wing, so you'd imagine he'd get on well with US administrations, and largely has. However India is also a founding member of BRICS, so has never sought US approval for it's actions and doesn't ask for any now.

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Hi, I'm Damien Willey. I'm a former welder, but now I'm a writer, blogger, vlogger and presenter and interviewer with Socialist Telly (Please do go and visit what we all get up to on / socialisttelly )
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