"The Two Witnesses" | Abiding Word Baptist

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Abiding Word Baptist Church is an independent, fundamental, King James Bible only believing Baptist Church. We maintain that the King James bible is the inspired Word of God in English and that Jesus Christ has sent us to preach the gospel to every living soul. We are a Soul winning church going door to door into the neighborhoods of our city every week, engaging all who will listen to the good news of Jesus Christ dying for the sins of the whole world.

We do not water down the message of free, eternal salvation by grace through faith and that once someone trusts Christ’s death burial and resurrection, receiving him as their personal savior from hell, they will never lose that promised gift of everlasting life.

We sing traditional hymns from the “Soul Stirring Songs and Hymns” hymnal compiled by Dr. John R. Rice. The Bible teaches we should sing hymns and spiritual songs: Ephesians 5:19 “Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;”

Our services are graced with congregational singing to the Lord. The children love to sing and make melodies for the Lord and the music blesses the hearts of everyone that attends.

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