You’ll Follow Babylon Straight to Hellfire If You Don’t Know Bible Prophecy

9 months ago

5/24/24 "In Defense of the Scripture" part 3 S4E16p3
Today on Something’s Happening Here, we end Season Four in the book of Revelation. All week we’ve been arguing In Defense of the Scripture, and today we’ll look to the prophetic future to see why this question is so important. Prophecy reveals that the deceptions to come will be so strong that the whole world will fall into error, as well as what God’s people are to do to avoid it. But how can you know Bible prophecy without knowing the Bible? Many people who claim the name Christian today are in for a big surprise when prophecy becomes reality, and at Talking Donkey International we pray that you’ll be among those who respond to God’s final call in Revelation 18:4, because otherwise “You’ll Follow Babylon Straight to Hellfire If You Don’t Know Bible Prophecy.” Grab your Bibles and let’s learn how to avoid that!
It’s the finale of Season Four! The Word of God is under attack – and often from within the church! (Just like Scripture promises.) Something’s Happening Here defends the Bible and explores the prophetic importance of doing so.

Season 4 Episode 16
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#RevelationFinale #DefenseOfScripture #PropheticFuture #BibleProphecy #DeceptionsAhead #FinalCall #BabylonWarning #ScriptureKnowledge #AvoidingDeception #somethingshappeninghere

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