ARTICLE ONLY - KS Demo Gov Vetoes Protecting Minors From Castration and Genital Mutilation Surgery.

8 months ago

Kansas Democrat Governor Vetoes Legislation Protecting Minors From Castration and Genital Mutilation Surgery - By Pamela Geller - on April 16, 2024. Article with hot links site > .

Democrats are a threat to humanity.

Kansas Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly on Friday vetoed legislation that would have banned certain gender-related treatments for minors. The “Substitute Bill for Senate Bill 233” would have banned gender surgeries and hormone treatments for minors and establish a civil means of action against healthcare providers who perform them. Kelly vetoed the legislation, stating it “targets a small group of Kansans by placing government mandates on them and dictating to parents how to best raise and care for their children. I do not believe that is a conservative value, and it’s certainly not a Kansas value” (Just the News).

Nearly half of the states in the U.S. have banned transgender surgeries for minors, while 14 have implemented “shield laws” that protect access to the procedures (Daily Caller).

Kansas Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly on Friday vetoed legislation that would have banned certain gender-related treatments for minors.

The “Substitute Bill for Senate Bill 233” would have banned gender surgeries and hormone treatments for minors and establish a civil means of action against healthcare providers who perform them.

Kelly vetoed the legislation, stating it “targets a small group of Kansans by placing government mandates on them and dictating to parents how to best raise and care for their children. I do not believe that is a conservative value, and it’s certainly not a Kansas value.”

“The last place that I would want to be as a politician is between a parent and a child who needed medical care of any kind. And, yet, that is exactly what this legislation does,” she continued. “If the legislature paid this much attention to the other 99.8% of students, we’d have the best schools on earth.”

Twenty-three states have banned gender-related surgeries and treatments for minors, while Arizona has only banned surgeries, according to the pro-LGBT Movement Advancement Project.
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