Jaden Smith Reveals How He Was Sold To P Dildo “ Poodle Boi @

22 days ago

“Russian Forces” Destroying Ukrainian Military Links 🔗

The Ukraine War Is Intense with casualty figures reported of over 600,000 Dead 💀 Ukrainian Soldiers - Grandpa Tom

1.) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwE8D2a/

2.) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwKGSSX/

3.) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwEFMUx/

4.) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwKtjhf/

5.) Ukrainian Soldiers Surrender https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwE1ERy/

6.) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwER5xY/

7.) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwENmcj/

8.) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwKsu7t/

9.) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwKK2ca/

10.) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwEYtr4/

11.) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwKWm8N/

VA Dirty Tricks : Here We Go

PDF File : https://archive.org/details/va-dirty-tricks_202108

VA Dirty Tricks Veterans Need to Know About

1.) Deny Or Ignore Everything

This is the most commonly used dirty trick in the book. Many government and private agencies use this as their first line defense against any claim.

They will either immediately deny your claim or they will ignore it. If they choose to ignore it, they will not acknowledge that they received your claim.

If you try to find out if they did or not, they will make up excuses that will cause you to wait, tell you to call back, send you on an endless goose chase from one department to another, or they will repeatedly tell you to submit it over and over again.

This is called “kicking the can down the road”. It serves many purposes. The main purpose is to discourage you and make you give up or distract you and cause you to forget or miss deadlines for filing documents or appeals or whatever you need to do. If you file the same claim again it creates a new disability compensation claim date cheating you out of your back pay.

Another reason is that it distances them from the issues. This works to their advantage. Let me explain. Let’s say you filed for a back condition and the VA kicks the issue down the road for several years and in the meantime you develop some other medical conditions. Now, the VA doctors can begin to try to link your back pain to some non- service connected medical condition. Don’t laugh because they can get very creative when it comes to this trick.

It also gives them time to confuse the issues. Suddenly, your medical records will be filled with fabricated evidence to support the VA’s position. They will twist everything you say to suit this purpose. For instance, the doctors ask you if your back hurts when you lift heavy things and naturally you tell them YES.

Here’s what will be documented on your medical records:”
Veteran complains of back pain from doing heavy lifting at home.” The VA just created a new cause for your back pain and it’s not service- connected. Or even better, “Veteran injured back at home today while lifting heavy object.”

See how that works?

They just made a chronic condition a NEW medical condition.

On the other hand, if the VA injured you and you file an 11.51 disability claim, they do the opposite. For example, The VA tore my rotator cuff by surprising me with heavy sandbags for an x-ray without giving me a chance to refuse. Immediately, this torn rotator cuff became an old injury, it was suddenly labeled “chronic shoulder pain” and they attempted to fabricate a history of shoulder problems.

Old injuries are new and new injuries are old, which brings me to dirty trick number two.

2) False Medical Records
Most veterans don’t have copies of their military or VA medical records and depend on the VA to furnish them. Good luck with that; because the VA will both lie and say they don’t have the records or just deliberately destroy them. There goes your evidence.

The Houston VA Regional Office told me for almost three years that they never received my Notice of Disagreement until I went down to the office in person and demanded to see my C-file and there it was on the very top of the file with their time stamp dated three years ago.

That’s why you should get copies and read your medical records every time you go to the VA because if you don’t they will fabricate false medical records for you. They do it anyway, all the time. The VA doctors and nurses will quote you as saying things that are false.

Their favorite misquote is pain. My VA records state that I tell the doctors I have no pain just about every time I go there, which is a bold faced LIE.

Your back could be broken with bones sticking out and they will write on your medical records that your back appears to be normal with no visible sign of distress and patient denies back pain.

Don’t think for one minute that VA doctors are your friend.

They know that their job is to cover up, hide and distort medical evidence in your VA medical records and VA C-file if it’s connected to a disputed VA claim. And, don’t think the medical doctors are the only ones who do this.

Your x-ray will be read wrong by the Radiologists. They won’t see that broken bone or compressed disk and if they acknowledge it at all, it will be coded in long Latin medical terms that you will have to look up in a medical dictionary to figure out what they’re trying to say and don’t count on VA medical doctors to explain it because they will tell you everything is NORMAL.

Don’t believe me, just file a FTCA (federal torts claim act) and watch your medical records disappear like magic and new records appear debunking your claim
Ever wonder how the VA gets away with these lies?

Did you know that VA doctors can legally withhold medical information from you?

That’s a fact. The practice of withholding pertinent medical information from patients in the belief that disclosure is medically contraindicated is known as "therapeutic privilege." That means all the doctor has to do is think that you might be upset if you knew the truth, so he or she is not going to tell you.

How convenient for them.
The VA doctors will try to change dates, confuse facts, and create new reports with false information claiming they are backed up by prior records and reports. Perfect example is what the VA Radiologists did to my kidney X-rays and ultrasound.

I had an ultrasound in 2013 that showed no sign of damage to my kidneys.

The 2013 ultrasound stated that there was evidence that I had passed a kidney stone because it left a small distorted area inside one of my ureters.

Then, in 2014 a VA dentist soaked my partials in poison that you clean countertops with and put them in my mouth. The corrosive poison caused burns in my mouth, throat and intestinal tract and resulted in atrophy of both of my kidney cortex. Want to know what my VA medical records say about it “Veteran’s current X-rays unchanged from 2013 ultrasound that shows atrophy of kidneys.” That’s a creative lie.

The small distorted area now becomes atrophy and now applies to both kidneys. They tried to link the new injury to an old ultrasound. Nice try but no cigar.

VA doctors love to use terms that are ambiguous. For instance, my thyroid levels were all off the chart. The VA doctor recorded in my medical records that the results of my thyroid levels were “low normal” , “high normal”, “moderately high normal” moderately low normal” and my favorite doublespeak catch all VA medical term “cumulatively normal”.

So, what this VA doctor did was take all the abnormal results, add them together and then divide by the number of tests and presto; it’s now “cumulatively normal.”

Here’s another example: On the report for my Compensation exam for the torn rotator cuff injury caused by Michael Debakey Medical Center, the doctor wrote that I injured myself “lifting weights”.

Out of nowhere, now I’m a 62 year old disabled weight lifter. That’s another creative lie / half truth meant to confuse the issues. I can see this doctor defending her statement in Court. “Well, your Honor, the sandbags were weights and she was injured by lifting them so what part of that is a lie? “

3) Research
This is a dirty trick improved treatments and surgical procedures.

It’s cutting edge all right and you’re the one getting all those new and untested drugs and medical treatments.

Five or ten years down the road you or your family will be answering one of those television attorney commercials that say “Did you or someone you love die from this surgical procedure, implant, medication or treatment?” This leads into dirty trick number four.

4) The VA Profits From Your Death
Pretend you’re a homicide detective working a murder case.

You’re going to make a list of suspects consisting of who had motive and opportunity.

Well, the VA is at the top of the list because the VA has both. Their motive is that they save money if you’re dead because your VA pension, VA Disability Compensation and all monthly and yearly VA benefits die with you.

The VA definitely has opportunity because they have complete control over everything aspect of your health thru their VA medical care.

They can give you the wrong medicine or treatment, wrong surgery, overdose you or just neglect you to death by doing absolutely nothing, like the secret waiting list for VA appointments that killed thousands of veterans.

The VA saved a lot of money with that dirty trick.

You see, that’s why they

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