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Warfare over your heritage

9 months ago

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Warfare over your heritage

Prophetic word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
3th of May 2024 05.34

Blow your shofar! Make Alarm!
It's time for you My children, to rise up and make your voice known!

Know that I Am fighting your battles.
My Angel Armies are standing with My children! Partner with My Angel Armies and use the word as your sword. Put on the full armor of God and shoot your feet in the Holy faith.

The warfare is not for the faint hearted.
Learn how to discern in every aspect of your lives.
Discern the circumstances.
Discern the feelings and lastly Discern the spirit. This is how you can stay awake and alert.
Ask for the discernment my beloved and I will give you! I want you to be mature. Learn how to Discern otherwise you can easily be deceived.

Satan, your adversary is trying to deceive you and he is trying to trick you in every possible way.

So I urge you to ask Me.

I said he is trying to but it doesn't mean that he will get what he wants!
I have already defeated him when My Son died and rose again, because he is only a creation.

Ask! Ask! Ask!

Use your promises that I have given you that have been spoken over you. Use the prophetic words and the promises in My word for warfare.

Why don't you ask?!
I Am here to answer you. I Am here to help you.

Your heritage is every spiritual and physical blessing.
Why do you settle for less when I have given you everything through My son Yeshua Hamasiach? Haven't I told you that I have given you the Kingdom?

The power and the authority is in My son Yeshua Hamasiach as My rightful heir.

I have already given you the resurrection power. Use it!
My Angel Armies are here to assist you!

You shall decree a thing and it shall be established!

Haven't I told you to take over the Earth and subdue it!

I have called you to be priests and kings on the Earth.

It means that you are ruling and reigning with Me, because My Kingdom of righteousness shall be established here on Earth as it is in Heaven.

You are victorious and you are more than a conqueror.

Keep standing strong in your faith.

Keep praying and proclaiming My promises and the prophetic words that you have heard.

I will say it again! Hold on to Me. Hold the line! Giving up is not an option!

You are soldiers in My Army that is why I gave you Ephesians 6. Fight the good fight of faith. When I come back to the Earth will I find faith?

Submit to Me and Satan shall flee!

Military terms=hold the line, stand firm. Full armor of God.
Ephesians 6

The definition of discernment = the ability to judge people and things well.
Hebrew 5:14
Philippians 1:9-10
Hebrew 4:12

The definition of subdue = to reduce the force of something, or prevent something from existing or developing.
Genesis 1:28
Deuteronomy 9:3
Hebrew 11:33
Prophetic word, Warfare, heritage, faith, glory, Jesus, God, believe, Kingdom


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