Donald Trump Demands Drug Tests Before Debates With Joe Biden

1 month ago

Unfortunately, we don't think the Trump camp is in a position to demand anything — Donald Trump said he'd debate President Joe Biden, anytime, anywhere. It was the 15th when Biden threw down the gauntlet, posting a heavily edited 13-second video saying he was looking forward to it. Trump immediately accepted, even on Biden's terms — that there be no audience, no Robert F. Kennedy Jr., that it would air on a hand-picked list on networks, and that Trump's mic would be shut off while Biden was speaking. Later that same day, CNN announced it would be hosting a debate in June and that Jake Tapper and Dana Bash would moderate, making it a three-against-one contest. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Donald Trump Demands Drug Tests Before Debates With Joe Biden
New York Post: Trump demands drug test for Biden before first presidential debate
The Biden Campaign Still Claiming Trump Told Americans to Inject Bleach

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