Idiot who said you were speadring vaccine "misinformation" is now dead from the life-ending vaccine

7 months ago

Milan Sime Martinic thought that you were spreading "misinformation" for talking badly about "covid" or the "safety" of the vaccines which has killed countless amounts of lives worldwide. Some time afterwards, he dies in a foreign country from a vaccine-induced heart attack. Now a gofraudme fundraiser has been set up by his family to get back his corpse from America to his home country, Brazil. What they call "misinformation" is just censorship. They don't want you to realize that vaccines are the leading cause of death in the entire world. They are scared of people finding out, for their empire will crumble if most people rose up in rebellion and destroyed them without mercy. The elites are not invulnerable. They are called the 'Iluminati' because they are 'illuminated' with the knowledge of God. However, if people also had the same knowledge as them, then there's no way they'd win or be able to oppress us anymore. They push psyops to dumb down the masses because they don't want them to be intelligent enough to ever realize that they are being tricked into their deaths for the great reset and new world order. If they were invulnerable, then they wouldn't feel the need to lie to create their empire of evil. As much as they hate you, they fear your potential of overthrowing them even more, but what happens when people don't even know that the vaccines are life-threatening? Then they'll die before they could ever reach that potential. They need to keep the population low in order for their evil empire to thrive in this satanic world. They will continue to succeed because most people are too retarded to comprehend that poison in a needle is life-ending to your body's health.

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