3D Review: Exodus Gods and Kings (2014)

9 months ago

Getting wet…

Exodus: Gods and Kings

Ridley Scott is probably the most under recognized 3D directors out there. Along with Prometheus he has created two of the finest natively shot 3D movies to grace our screens in the modern era. Unlike Avatar, which is a motion captured animation, Scott’s movies are live-action experiences. These are big budget, big cast, big settings, wide framed, immersive experiences that are frankly the very very best of what 3D cinema is capable of. Maybe I live under a rock but I don’t hear his name brought up in 3D discussions very often and I think – when given the chance – his product goes toe to toe with James Cameron.
Perhaps unlikely, but I certainly hope Ridely has the chance to make another 3D film someday.
Other reviews:
Paul L Berriman

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