The NFSC Encourage The Chinese Migrants To Respect Rule Of Law

9 months ago

05/17/2024 Aila on Grant Stinchfield Show: The Chinese migrants illegally crossing the U.S. southern border is surging. The New Federal State of China doesn’t encourage anybody to enter a freedom-loving country with illegal methods. We encourage rule of law, and the first thing is to respect all of the laws and regulations in the country where you live.
05/17/2024 Aila做客Grant Stinchfield Show:非法越过美国南部边境的中国移民数量激增。 新中国联邦不鼓励任何人以非法方式进入热爱自由的国家。我们鼓励法治,首先是尊重你所居住国家的所有法律法规。

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