Julian Assange - Exposes Explains a Security Elite Regime has replaced Society

5 months ago

This video is Whistle Blower Investigative Journalist Julian Assange exposing Truth About Westminister order, Weaponised as SECURITY ELITES replacing society. This Evil Satanic Villan Rulers manifesting themselves. Looting countries by illegal invasions using Viral pandemic scare tactics. It's crazy out of control & a sign of Emperial Collapse of the entire Westminister system of Slavery! We Are Taking Over behind the Scenes of their Media Dramas. We Will Evolve to follow our Independence & New Systems grounded. Ending this low grade decimal point accounting system their Financial & Judiciary systems are Expired! Bankrupt brokeass burnout by an Overload! WW3 is not our future, PEACE is.
Update Monday 20th May2024:
NZ Police use of Criminal Procedure act 2011. Part 1 Purpose Claus(b) Electronic- radioactive  currents signals & circuits-biometrics-opitical, describing EMF SMART TECH 5g as bioweapons DEW to Torture & Assault NZers by stealth. And includes Health Security Risk Management Assessment fraud allegations to Shutdown  Whistleblowers non compliance to Smart Cities & Vaccines, Digital verification, digital currency, digital IDs in partnership with Bill Gates-UN-WHO-WEF-CCP. LGBT fuelled Police partners, with Power Companies & Telecommunications SECURITY militant Parent  companies. AGENDA2030 rollout. This Declaration of War upon citizens & sovereigns by elites Illegal invasion of NZ. Cult police must be disarmed disabled remove Tazer weapons & firearms & scanning devices including Breath Testing electric devices. All radioactive radiation poisoning programs exposure is toxic population reduction health threats - blood clots, brain bleeds, cancers, heart failure, attacks central nervous system inducing seizures, radiation burns:
Update May 2024 - USA Presidential Campainer 2024 Robert F Kennedy Speech Constitution-Bill of Rights-FREE Julian Assange & Edward Snowden & Donald Trumps ruthless Covid19 Pandemic Act of War Against Americans:
The WHOs organisation crash - is great news! The WHO pandemic Treaty has collapsed 1st June 2024. Power to the People!
Free Julian Assange & Reiner Fuellmich now! Game Over.
Interpol International partners to WEF sustainable bullshit as Global Police enforcing International Law. This relies on Open Borders, mass Immigration, Smuggling rings. It's a crime syndicate security & intelligence breach. The companies needs disqualifying deregistry. They are using Family Court laws including Protection of Personal & Property act 1988 - same Year Rob Muldoon  GCSB Spying intelligence was launched. Today these SMART 5g Spy Cameras, 5g Towers, Street Lights, & SMART meters Weaponised as Declarations of War against families - are partners to children trafficking cult courts agents - are medical military industry medics vets, politicians, legislators,police nazis this is Claim Of PARENT Corporates ppp, Over People, Lands & Resources:
All Rights Reserved.

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