Project 2025 Part 2

4 months ago

Project 2025 Part 2

The first midterm election for Bubba Clinton was a smack down. The house and senate flipped red. For some reason the plebs weren’t good with the never-ending investigations and overreaches. They really didn’t appreciate the absurd spike in firearms and ammunition prices. There was also something about that crime bill incident the night before it’s signing that was off. The Clinton’s weren’t even home the room was getting a makeover. Some crazy in a private plane tried to fly into the Clinton’s bedroom window but ran into a huge oak tree that was planted by Thomas Jefferson. The media’s vacuous duplicity was laid bare when the reporters got hold of that story. I remember one of them almost in tears explaining that the poor guy couldn’t find a place to land because of the bleachers that were set up for the gala celebration of the signing, so he ran into that tree. It was a pathetic attempt at deflection and whitewashing. There was another big scandal that broke out at about that time. The story first broke in 96 when Bob Woodward and Brian Duffy of the Washington post wrote about China’s attempts to gain influence, which as anyone who’s paying attention can see worked quite well. Al Gore was dubbed Bubba’s bag man because of this.
Behind the scenes an investigation had already started. It was noticed that the DNC coffers were already filling up and Bill was spooling up a campaign for his reelection. Senator Inhoffe of Oklahoma told everybody they better make sure the GOP was clean before they started slinging political dung at the DNC. After all they were dealing with the masters of corruption. I’m not talking about the DNC specifically although that wouldn’t be a huge leap of faith if one were to just assume. He was referring to the CCP. It was a good thing they did that self-audit. It turned out that about one fourth the amount the DNC had received had been received by the RNC because of Haley Barbour. At that time, he was the head of the RNC. After that every time the subject came up Clinton would say he vaguely remembered that Barbour was the one that got into a lot of trouble over those donations. That pattern is one that has continued to grow, and it is much worse now. Clinton’s words would always be the ones that were printed by the press corps. Besides nobody expects anything less from the DNC crime syndicate. “Eagles may soar higher, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines.”
When Barbour decided to float a potential run for President this scandal was brought up rather suddenly and he backed out before he really started. Politics is one of those places where we hopefully learn that cream isn’t the only thing that floats.

The new Congress came in with Newt Gingrich’s Contract with America in 1994 as a promise. The Clinton’s were doomed the party was over. The Contract with America was implemented as quickly as possible in 1995 once they convened. The media claimed a bit early that it was completely accomplished. Now don’t get me wrong, they wanted it to go away and because they rushed to make that statement, they could add not much had really changed thereby blunting the impact of the entire thing. The left was reeling from the stunning loss and the classless Clinton’s showed their true self when they made Gingrich the new speaker of the house exit from the back of Air Force 1. They were unaware that all they did was verify everybody’s opinion of them. They were very upset; their narrative was dead. April 19th, 1995, all of that changed. Worldnetdaily was on top of all of this from the start. They knew what was coming. The moment Clinton won his first election a certain person in Hope Arkansas began issuing requests for information regarding Waco and the Branch Davidians. He was later moved to the head of the ATF by Bill Clinton. We all know how Waco worked out right? OK Dead narrative, his popularity taking a celestial dirt nap, it’s over, right? Worldnetdaily also tied Eric Holder to what came next. Two years to the day after the Waco siege ended in a suspicious fire, Terry McVeigh blew up the Alfred P Murrah building. Remember what Saul Alinsky said, “Never let a crisis go to waste.” They didn’t, they picked that turd up and smeared it all over the right, claiming this bombing was because of the right wing hate relentlessly spewed on talk radio. It was those radical Christians that did it. There was a huge problem with their narrative. The religion of these people was a hokey Norse made up thing and had zero to do with Christianity. They had two suspects other than McVeigh they were looking for. One was Terry Nichols and then there was Andreas Strassmeir. They even had sketches of Andreas. Suddenly there was no third person involved. It was a boo boo. Yes, it was. That was Andreas. He’s never coming back to the US again either. Ambrose Evans Pritchard wrote a great book called “The Secret Life of Bill Clinton” Link in the written part of this video. You can still buy it. There is a phone interview with Andreas that third person they wanted to forget in that book, and it explains a lot. There was another person that was a problem for them. Carol Howe. She was arrested for having bomb making materials. Her trial opened up and her lawyer submitted a document as evidence. It ended the trial almost immediately. She had bomb making materials because she was in the Elohim City compound as a BATF asset. The BATF Letter told her to do it. Here is a brief excerpt from the book regarding Andreas.

BTW I knew Mike Vanderboegh. We met at a meeting in Shreveport Louisiana. I also got to meet the author of the “Out of the Ashes” series William Wallace Johnstone. You can see here how bad it was with him in office. Keep in mind that at this point I’ve covered less than three years here. All if this is happening as Newt Gingrich is publicly discussing what they will do next. There are numerous agencies in our government that were created by laws. EPA, BATF and many others. They were discussing auditing to verify they were only doing what they had been created to do. The problem was that the Clinton’s and the media were positive that what is needed is more laws of any kind. The Government as a misery factory. Crushing the people with more and more restrictions is a duty! Idiots! All of that got buried back then. Project 2025 is going to do just that. The Heritage Foundation has a top-secret document you can go and read or even buy if you want a printed copy. I’d suggest buying a copy for history’s sake based on what was done the last time this subject came up. They’re not going to give up easily. I have a link below for buying the book in Amazon. They have no idea when they’ll get more copies and there are only to book reviews in there. The book reviews attempt to savage the book and fall flat. Some things just don’t change. Remember this is the platform to deplatformed Parlor and then refused to let them have their software back.

There are many panty waste versions of what Project 2025 will mean for the republic. You might want to read the truth so you can counter the lies. Fight the lies with the truth. That is how we win this thing. I always find it amusing to watch the left soil their dighties and cry out about the encroaching tyranny when they’re the source of it. They’re rotten to the core. And one great thing Gingrich did accomplish back then was put congress on the internet where you can research every stupid thing they say and do. Link to that site is also below.

As I get ready to end this, here’s James Carville Bubba’s attack dog. He’s apparently not feeling too good these days. Help us make more of them feel this positive. This warmed the cockles of my black and shriveled heart. Carville was such a vitriolic person. Bill Hader on SNL used to do a great impersonation of him.
When I saw that shirt, I was reminded of something. He seems to be identifying as this intersection! Yes, James the peeps get to respond to everything you guys say and do these days. Thank you, Elon, for buying Twitter and making it an even playing field for once. Even Jack Dorsey realized he really screwed up. Zuck the cuck seems to be a soulless drooling ghoul, however. He really doesn’t get it.

Next, I’ll blow through the rest of that disgusting administration. I don’t have time to do it all, but I’ll provide a nice list of what I didn’t have time for.

The book is available on their website right here at this link.
You can read it here for free.

Or you can buy it here. For $35

There is a space for it on Amazon. Here’s the link.

The Secret Life of Bill Clinton

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