MA vs Karen Read in 4 Minutes or What if Any

9 months ago

Usually a DA, when bringing a murder case against a defendant will carefully weigh the evidence, and after an exhaustive investigation between law enforcement and the DA’s office decide to charge or not. In a usual case the decision will be made after it is determined the State can prove their case beyond reasonable doubt. The State has broad authority, has innumerable resources, and has immense power.

Then you have the case of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts vs Karen Read. There has been a ton of pre-trial coverage, including multiple theories about how Officer O'Keefe ended up deceased on the lawn at 34 Fairview Road in Canton.

Through the streams of some of the best content creators in the legal space, we have watched this monstrosity unfold. So far we’ve learned:
• The prosecutor has a favorite statement he repeats hundreds of times. What if anything, who if anyone, what if any? Over and over and over.
• It snowed that day.
• Some people heard Ms Read say she hit him while others did not.
• Law enforcement who conducted one of the shoddiest investigations in murder case history, including:
o Using a leaf blower to uncover evidence.
o Putting blood evidence (mixed with snow) in Red Solo Cups and then storing them in a paper shopping bag.
o Not interviewing potential witnesses until months later, some only after the FBI interviewed them.
o Not recording any of the interviews.
o Not signing statements or having the interviewee sign statements that are attributed to them.
• The prosecutor has presented a case for the last 14 days that has zero to do with who killed Officer O’Keefe, but instead tries to show who didn’t do it.
• The bar has high tops and low tops.
• Kids don’t sit with their parents at High School basketball games.

What we are watching is pretty insane. Thankfully we have content creators like the ones here that make things interesting and entertaining. This 4 minute video captures just a little bit of the insanity that has transpired since the beginning of this case. No amount of preparation could prepare anyone for the circus that has broken out in the court room.
Thank you to:

Attorney Emily D Baker
Brandi Churchwell
Attorney Melanie Little
Attorney Jeff “Legal Vices”

Please take a moment to check them out, but after you like this video and subscribe to our little channel. Thank you.

#karen #read #karenread #whatifany #whatifanything

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